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Everything posted by bhd812
Todd the Vinyl Junkie is taking orders now, mine is the second set and they are shipping in March! might want to get in on this now before the rush, one thing is Senn is strict on pricing so your going to pay $1400.00 either way...
if Senn did what they did with the 600 and the 650 and the he60 and the he90 then i have no doubt the hd800 would be worth the $1400! pound for pound its hard to beat the 600 or the 650 for any company and now this being the flagship of Senn it has to be amazingly more then those two. I am buying a set, without a doubt.
That kid should get a hell of more credit then he is rite now, imagine being 6 years old and driving a car 9 miles from stops,turns,etc, and not to mention he even knew which route to take to get to the school that is 10 F'ing miles away! what even deserves more credit is he did all that and knew he would be in huge trouble either way just to get to School! most people are scared to get behind the wheel the first time. most people even need someone there with them the first couple times they drive a car on public streets, hell most people take entire day to learn the brake pedal and the gas pedal! most people won't drive more then a few miles cause the get freaked out by the "long trip". most kids would use any damn excuse in the book to get out of school, look how many days off they get and snow days are called almost after a lite flurry. This kid is seriously amazing! imagine the next Christmas when the family gets together and the kid looks at his grandpa and says: "So you think your tough cause you walked 6 miles to school in 3feet of snow with no shoes and 3 cents for lunch?...well i got a story for you Grandpa!" i think that's going to be my line i use with my future kids, "when i was your age we did not complain we had to walk a half block to school..Hell i took the keys and drove my ass 10 miles everyday with a quarter tank of gas all while my feet could not even reach the pedal and before i was 7!..Now STFU and get your ass to school!" we were talking about this at my bar tonight and one of the customers said "this kid should of ran for president eight years ago". we all started laughing then another customer said "8 years ago the kid was not even a thought let alone alive" then the first customer said something like "after driving 9 miles that still wouldn't of stopped him from campaigning!".. whole bar was laughing!
Holy shit that's a hell of an event! That's awesome that JG and Dennis Had will be there!! How many people u expecting and how many u have room for?
i agree it does seem a bit odd but there are a few things i also thought about as far as the upgrade cost goes. first off very few people want the freedom AND higher bit rate to justify the extra 30 cent, but those who do (read audiophiles and people who spend big money on headphones) will pay the price. as far as to compare the upgrade to buying a song on amazonmp3 or another drmfree/256 site is apples and oranges cause you already put in 99 cent for the itunes song so your kind of locked in (unless you want to spend another 99 cent for a new download somewhere else). there are lots of songs not available anywhere else on the net so if you have one of these and want that higher quality then your going to pay. also down the road less and less people will even need to worry about upgrades cause all of itunes tracks are going completely 256/drmfree. i would look at a few things to consider if you are in a place you can upgrade your songs.. first how much is the total upgrade cost for all your songs? you have to up them all at once and can not choose some to do and some not to do. second how important is the higher quality and going drm free worth it to you for those songs? do you listen to them often in a high end headphone setup? if you do whats an extra 30 cent or 30% of album going to hurt considering you use the song in a setup that costs lots more then 30 cent? also do you like the idea of moving them around or do you have dap's that will not play any drm tracks? for me the 111ish songs only cost a few bucks so why not? i mean i spent more money on cds i listened to once in my life more then a few times so what is the extra few dollars for a higher quality song i listen to often and now i can use it when i dj with the Numark IDJ2? people with gigantic itunes song numbers might be hit in the hundreds of dollars for the upgrade and may never use the songs in any other player and use the stock ibuds, i am sure the answer would be different for them... still its nice to see you can download drmfree/256 songs now at the normal $10 an album on your computer or iPhone, no more needing to upgrade.
I used 3G as it was announced but what was not said was can you download the drm128 or the DRMfree256 on the iPhone over the 3G network. I seen the "+" in the price box on the iPhone app, again i am not sure if you had that before the Macworld announcement or not.. Some people are saying it works on Edge network also, either way that's a big step in the music world cause now you can have a decent quality (256 is not bad), DRM Free song anywhere you want and at any second you want for the typical 99 cent price you get from computer downloads all while shopping at The worlds largest music store! The Gphone has AmazonMP3 but the selection and size is nothing close to iTunes (at least for today). Of course this was going to come either way and my guess it was forwarded by the presence of the Gphone and amazonmp3.. not sure if this will change my shopping habits from amazonmp3 just yet but why should i wait till i get home to buy a 256/drmfree song when i could pay the same price and have it rite this second from this very spot? i guess iTunes will be getting more of my money in the future...DAMMIT!
i downloaded a Green Velvet track on itunes which turns out to be drm free 256 last week so i was not sure how long the drm free 256 was available on the iphone app as no Announcement made at Mac world 09 mentioned anything about it...
I am not sure how long its been here cause i dont usually use itunes app on the iphone but you can even download the drm free 256 songs and albums on the itunes iphone app now. and the best part is the prices i seen were 99 cent a song. as far as comparing amazon to itunesplus on the iphone now seems to put itunes plus well ahead!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKGdRNjqS0s lol
30 cent for the upgrade song and 60 cent for upgrade video. the differences in price (69/99/129) will go for older catalog, new hits, and anything in between. everything is still loaded using AAC, but with one click u can change to mp3 using itunes for free. when u upgrade any song ur name and info is still in the info section of the song. people are saying it works over edge for itunes store. large files like video podcasts still need wifi! if you can download the itunes plus files from ur iphone over 3g then the $1.29 a song is well worth it to me...your payng for convenience of having that song rite there and then. still if you can only download the 128/drm over iphone then upgrade for 30 cent extra later on your computer i guess thats ok. i upgraded all my songs (only 111) and it came to $9 cause most are from complete albums, but the sound quality upgrade is pretty good over the stock 128's i have "ain't no sunshine" from Bill Withers that i listen to a lot, the quality is a bit better...worth the extra 30 i guess. still i don't like downloading itunes compared to amazon but sometimes at that moment and rite there and then you must! also... i bought the kensington - LiquidAUX at bestbuy yesterday for my iPhone and iPod for use in my Z4. the sound quality is amazingly amazing over the Turbodock 2 and general i/c i have been using with my ipod for the BMW's aux input! the unit docks my iPhone/iPod perfect in the Z4..looks like it was made for my car. i had to take back two units before i got one that actually worked so be ready to return it when you buy it, still the remote dont work all the time..probably take it back next week sometime but its a gamble on getting one that works. the unit does not like to make connection with the 12v outlet so it pops in and out, again on the third try it does work. still waiting for Germy to send me the iPhone lod's so i can use those with my car and iPhone, no rush but i would like to have them soon. the iPhone line out is fucking amazing compared to the ipod classic, like i said its great running threw the shitty quality LiquidAUX so i could just imagine what it would sound like from one of Germys lods..
to me that does not seem to even make a reply...but it is what it is... hey Dusty go screw urself... now that is well worth the reply! hahaha
when you say Free Coffee do you mean a cup? a gallon? no limit?
since i am the Boss I donated my tips from the Tuesday before Christmas to Easter Seals school for Autistic Children in Chicago. I told a few customers on our myspace (which raised the tip jar) then afterwards i matched the total by half of my own money. all in all the total was $457.09 donated. made the donation by my moms credit card so if she wants to have the tax write later on then that's her gift.. probably will do another "tips for Charity Tuesday night" in a few months, my goal for 2009 is to raise at least $1000 for charities from myself and my Bar Business. i probably won't match the total with my money again though, costs to damn much..hahahaha
Dude i read his Bible a few times while i was a sophomore in Catholic high school (i did not read it in the school like it was for a class or anything) back in 96ish. I remember it sat in my room for years cause i was to afraid to throw it out, like something bad would happen or some shit..well i was also afraid of shitting in my pants back then so...yeah
who cares if its real leather or not, rite on the cups you see the embossed fake gator/croc so that alone should tell you what the rest of the headphone is made of sofar as real luxury. The 50MM driver and titanium advertising is pure SONY style and you all know how i REALLY love the SONY. stil i give them credit for looks and to bring another choice to the game, would love to hear them but i would not be surprised if they are not up to the R10/L3000/hp1 sonics...lol
HAHAHAHAA thats not funny where i am... hahahaha
seems to be a new market just getting out and pushed by more and more companies. i have high hopes of owning a pocket projector one day for my iphone/ipod, but rite now i think its way to early in what i see as the life span for such a product to buy. i can easily see these eventually being worked into cell phones and mp3 players of the future. i can easily see these becoming as main stream as the netbook is now to what is was just a few years back. problem with now is why would you want to carry another device around and what quality picture is to be expected from a projector now to what will come down the line in the future? first question is mostly a person by person need and use, but eventually will be answered as i said before with being built into cellphones and mp3 players. second question can be answered by how fast the quality is moving up every time a company releases a new projector to the market, like how fast netbooks went from small sshd's to 160gb hard drives or how small battery life turned into longer 5+ hour spans or how the main os was just linex to full windows xp. i see the same thing happening to the pocket projector market in a few years time. i am looking into pocket projectors but holding off now till the competition and quality picture come more as time goes.
wat are u people talking about? line out or charging? line out is when you connect pins 1 and 11 together i think, there should be a thread on how to make it here or a post in this thread linking you to HEADFI talking about it. its easy if you want to make ur own connector, or if your lazy like me have Germania make you one. I listened to her lod on my iphone at the event and it seemed good enough to me. as far as charging the 3g is a question. some docks do and some docks don't. i have a cheapo dock at the bar that will play the line out but it wont charge it. as to why you get the yes and no screen.. it acts just as a warning to you that the iphone may cause buzz threw the speakers, wish there was a way to finally turning it off in settings but i understand completely why apple does pop it up every time you plug it in. i have the ihome alarm clock that i use to charge my 3g by my bed at night and it always asks the question, yet the bastard is approved for iphone 3g..wtf!
AWWWW thanks guys and gals!!!! i didnt even see this thread.. sorry i been a dick on the forums, well no i am not but hey.. really thanks!!!!
ALong the same lines... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TusJ8HSLaUs]YouTube - Old Spice Neil Patrick Harris Commercial[/ame]
is that Neil Patrick Harris??? TURN UR SPEAKERS DOWN AT WORK..STRONG LANGO [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7bK3w9Mw6w]YouTube - harold kumar Neil Patrick Harris Ecstasy[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA44aJWDY6Q]YouTube - Harold and Kumar 2 - Neil Patrick Harris Clip[/ame]
Aristaeus came and went on HF.. lasted 20 minutes
bhd812 replied to Luminette's topic in Headphone Amplification
This is nothing but common KG bullshit! First and foremost kevin you and i talk plently enough in pm's for you to post any bullshit like before going to me. this is just another "oh feel bad for me" knowing damn well this place is nothing but a bunch of weak minded suck fucks on your balls. and speaking of everyone that replied in any regards to KG's bullshit in this post...get a fucking opinion of your own and think maybe there is another side and that side might not be wat this person says. how dare you bring any shit about the event on these boards KG, how dare you lower the event to this place...ever notice i dont mention shit about the event on these boards? there is a really good fucking reason for it...keep it off. i have to host a event yesterday and all i hear about is bullshit on these forums? i told everyone if its not on headfi dont even waste your time to think cause its never going to be worth it. you have any idea how fucking stupid all of you are? the reason why little Florida got the national and Chicago decided not to do it is because I was not going to stand by while fucking vendors told me they dont want Kevin in or they were not going to come... yet you go on these forums and say that shit about Chiunifi with you and Ray...holy fuck! and u all can spell check this for me, you losers seem to get off on doing it anyway.