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High Rollers
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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. bhd812

    slow forum

    Tonight i was djing at my bar and i decided to Ric Roll them... it was amazong but not everyone got the joke, still many did.. well i was laughing my ass off...
  2. LOL that's funnay
  3. think a clear plastic packaging with a silky cloth inside, i think...
  4. think i read somewhere it comes in something like the w5000's..but not sure where i read that..
  5. sums up how i feel! i would throw in mx500's cause i always thought they were a great sounding earbud at the cost...but i get your point.
  6. damn thats pretty serious s/n numbering if i ever seen it... hAI!!!! who is posting my pretty princess over there! i'm the one and only pretty pink Princess. really: anyone read any impressions comparing the hd800's on tube amps? i know its early and only read the dac1 being the amper so far...
  7. was the s/n number written in a sharpie marker under the ear pad? i like the smell of sharpies, i always used to see if i could smell the sharpie on a new set of Grados but never did...damn foam smell always killed it for me.
  8. Er4 is a screechy highs high iem though, very unique sound and something not found in full sized cans,,,,maybe a silver set of 325 with flats will come close. Have u owned all those cans or just tried them out? Sounds like ur a newbs to the hobby, no offense meant cause I'm still in bed as I type this and I never mean wrong when I'm in bed...WTF
  9. Not really cause the other manufactures will have come with their new highend stuff, that's the best part of senn releasing their new highend piece
  10. in a dark enough bar and enough alcohol those ladies would good to go! I'm really excited bout the new senns but I really need to piss and they keep talking bout shoes, where am I going with my life
  11. I just did their 20, WTF! I'm getting out of this car their too old for me
  12. 19 yrold
  13. I'm in a car with two beauitful 19 ladies and I just read tylls post and this thread, thanks for the link!!!
  14. Link me to the post batman
  15. Omg I love lolvats even if they are making fun of me, ok post another one
  16. OMG I LOVE THAT LOL!!!! post another one!!! I'm at thecafe on the iphone and I can't use copy and paste
  17. Oh I no how but it don't let me, seriously it singles me out I love turkey with cranberry though
  18. SO U SAYIN I CAN DRIV THEES OUT OV MAH PORTABLE AN HAS GREAT SOUND? "WUT PORTABLE AMP 4 SENN HD800?" IZ MAH NEW THREAD http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/funny-pictures-kitten-is-tough-and-should-not-be-messed-with.jpg (since this fucking place wont take stanard IMG codes and i am not even bothering with asking even though i really would love to know how to post a simple lolcat pix for futures)
  19. Thats some nice wood and soft leather rite There!
  20. thats bad ass, useless to me and u but still bad ass!
  21. most talk would be how much burnin time needed first..of course
  22. I was wondering who beat me,,,Damn you Voltron! now it comes down to who is getting theirs first...hahaha I agree order from ttvj or HR without a doubt!
  23. free two day fedex when i ordered from ttvj, but since these guys cant move on price they will move on shipping..probably all of them will. either way ttvj/hr/amazon will get them in at the same time as any other product does. i find it funny people think these are going to go down in price already...they were just announced and these people can tell me when price is going down? on a hand made flagship? hahaha
  24. well they do look sonyish and that is always ugly... who cares about looks, i wanna hear them!
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