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High Rollers
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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. cool that means we both are for sure getting ours in the first shipment! yes!!!
  2. Of Course if they could get them to perform nicely then sure we will see these go to market but that takes lots of R&D i am sure, and lots of R&D takes alot of effort and lots of effort takes a want from Alex....maybe the people on here and Headfi can drum up a bit of emails to push Alex to the point of more R&D and show him there is a real market potential for such a beast if he succeeds...
  3. OMG its custom! i put this on my myspace!
  4. I LOVE LOLCATS! thanks
  5. Awhile back my iPhone 3G's silent/ringer button fell off, So i finally got around to going to the Apple store in Orland Park and they replaced it with a new iPhone no problems.. Another great Customer service experience at the Orland Park store! the dude at the Genius bar told me at first "ok what i am going to do is give you a paper clip.." then we both LOL'd haha funny funny but not LOLCAT funny.
  6. bhd812

    slow forum

    god the bar is so slowwwwwww!!!!!
  7. bhd812

    slow forum

  8. bhd812

    slow forum

    PANACHE! thats the way to roll!
  9. LOL that's great!
  10. Maybe your correct rite now and here...
  11. 18 is legal, besides i am a virgin (its my new years resolution) so my innocents transcends in only the purest thoughts and actions... i said "almost", these girls are 20ish, i like it cause i don't have to see them at my bar during or after... anyways...i hope to have my set of 800's by the meet but not sure what the chances of that happening.
  12. I was under the impression yes, macrumors has something about it and i could of sworn i read something else somewhere else. They also should up the Touch to 64gb then..but the iphone is at its mid cycle life in Feb, so i am betting hard a 32gb would come out... or a iPhone Nano...not!
  13. HOLY SHIT their old! i always thought they were late 90's, the he90 is almost the same age as a few of my recent dates... what was the price in 91 when the he90 came out?
  14. i the 32gb should be coming out soon, last mid cycle update was Feb 05th of last year. who is getting one?
  15. bhd812

    slow forum

    LOL thats great!...i really like this song lately
  16. bhd812

    slow forum

    Artists sound really different if you take out all of the nice music.. Enrique Iglesias rehearsal tape: http://www.madsb.com/enrique/enrique.mp3 Metallica Vocal Track: Pearl Jam Vocal Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E2WoJ-S_Ik&feature=related Rush Vocal Track (its really good!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7byxwpXs_M&feature=related tons of others like this on youtube, artists really get pissed off at people taping the live shows that have access to the seperate channels(like the vocals only), like sound guys for example. any live vocal track is going to sound like shit like the first Enrique cause these people are also dancing and doing other stuff on stage at the moment....i wanna see anyone here dance around and sing perfect to the recorded track..
  17. Germy just replied to my pm, she is shipping my iPhone LOD this Monday!!! yes!!! (she did this for free, no funny mot stuff here) I liked the sound of iPhone LOD's she had at the last Chicago Event so i really can't wait till i get to try them on my portable rig and in my car!! she even colored matched the one i requested for my car with everything in Black! so many SWEET top down cruising nights with my music to be enjoyed VIA germs LOD this summer....hey i have to get excited cause i would like to think i didn't walk 5 miles to my bar in 9 degrees of hell freezing cold cause my ass decided to buy a roadster with low ground clearance that won't make it over the snow ruts in my alley for nothing...
  18. nobody, i just seen the chance to have funfun with my buddy Dusty...
  19. Fixed!
  20. who pissed in your soup?
  21. Heard about this when i ordered my 800's days ago, but i did not hear about the pricing. This cable was designed for the 650 and the end connectors were just spiced in, i heard that at the same time i heard the cable was coming out..so i believe it. I highly doubt the after market cable price will increase all the much over what a decent Cardas cable costs for the 650/600. That $1400 cable cost is fucking insane even when compared to a the $$$ priced LOD's out there (and that says a shit load!). i am willing to buy an aftermarket cable for mine rite now, knowing what the cardas did for my 600's then sure why not? of course i also am willing cause i need a cable thats 20ft and i really don't wanna use a $1400 headphone with Grado Ext's in toe for that long.. my budget for a 20ft, balanced, after market cable hoping won't be more then $600...
  22. bhd812

    slow forum

    how do you not know ric rolling? OMG!
  23. explain this roll off? can u compre it to a Meridian house sound? I love the DAC1 but it ain't no G08 dac, its to accurate and flat...like a studio would want (explains why they made it like that) but the G08 is mushly amazing.. think i am missing my G08..
  24. I can see people using it as a office rig, keeping the ipod updated is easier and used better in portable then keeping another computer as source... they probably have these back ordered from the interest. smart move on Wadia part for partnering with RSA, one complaint lots of people say about the dac1 is the headamp.
  25. in simple it turns ur ipod as a transport and after you connect ur fav dac to the digi out.. I really would love to hear the comparsions to the Benchmark usb and this new DAC from Wadia
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