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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. Dikongod seriously man.. No amp nor any Product on the market will output a Balanced signal ounce a unbalanced anything is in the line! in order to be true Balanced setup you must start with and end with balanced all the way..anytime an unbalanced signal is in the line then everything else just became unbalanced! im sorry mods and people but Dikongod's 14 posts and he really needs to STFU!
  2. i just woke up...proof in ur pm..
  3. i love those! I really like this place cause you peeps understand me either know you can't make any freaking sense from my words i type..that's coming from the heart! Hey KG i usually don't go back on a deal involving money but instead of buying me a coffee can you PLEASEEEEEE Donate the $5 to the Kidney Cancer Association In Evanston (by you!)...if you want to do it then I will match your donation with $5 of my money! it's up to you since i am changing my end.. Kidney Cancer Association - Donate Now
  4. omg yeah! been working my ass off, hell i might be flying out to the National on Saturday mourning of the meet cause i cant find a replacement. Damn Nate your good, you must of sense the tension in my replies and automatically come to the conclusion of me needing some time off.. A+ job!
  5. LOL i love you! i said he did not get the entire process RS goes threw when designing an amp since he took my quotes directed towards what KG said only. told him to add a splash of salt told him to fuck himself anyway back to the thrash talking of RSA...
  6. hey Dikongod.. An Educated Forum member would Think that Said Subjects total process was not complete in the other members quotes, Go fuck himself, add a splash of salt, and make 1 half ass decent reply.
  7. Nope sir I will not fall for your words, besides is fun to see all the "know-it-all" people run their mouths.. anyone who knows Ray knows there is at least 2 or 3 circuit boards made LONG before any chassis is complete. So where were you wrong in my quotes KG?? and yes i can easily get a $5 coffee at Starbucks!
  8. you will find out when everyone else does, since i know you like thinking about this stuff i am going to let this sit in your brain for a bit... as far as the $5.00 goes buy me a coffee next time we meet up!
  9. Wanna make a small bet on your words? i say $5.00 your wrong on the above!
  10. bhd812

    slow forum

  11. bhd812

    slow forum

    fucking Guido's! they are blackest form of Shitbag Italian's you can ever find. but when you see one or two in life sit back and watch them just be a guido! it's like going to the zoo and watching the animals eating their own shit. you see lot's of them or wannabees in downtown Chicago clubs now and once in a great while i will get a few at my bar. here are a few videos that represent the Guido make up nicely.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JMOh-cul6M dumb ass douche bags actually laugh at themselves from their own Guido way!... this is what they try to be...seriously! reason why i don't like them cause they give Italian's a bad image, bad enough i get shit about the mafia but now this?
  12. bhd812

    slow forum

    in order to remaster it to sound like the artists you named he would require another male in the video...
  13. bhd812

    slow forum

  14. OMG!
  15. bhd812

    slow forum

    it's moments like this Heart Disease is not all that negative!
  16. bhd812

    slow forum

  17. bhd812

    slow forum

    47 mins of deep sea ocean video... All scary video
  18. bhd812

    slow forum

    I thought she was a bit of a cutie when i seen the small pics from her interview.. i know she had help from the doctor but where is the dad in all of this? i mean can you imagine having 8 Fucking kids all at once and having to hit that every night afterwards? that would be like dropping a hot dog out of an airplane...
  19. bhd812

    slow forum

    Seen this today... As i was leaving my house there was this Black cat sitting on my deck outside the door.. freaky thing is the cat was missing his/her left eye! like nothing was in the socket! this was the best shot i could get off from my iPhone standing behind the door..not sure if someone can blow it up but this cat was Pirate style nuts!
  20. bhd812

    slow forum

    New cat video
  21. Speaking of cases, was thinking of doing the 5 pack Agent 18 eco cases they sell on their website. I was wondering if anyone wants to throw $10 my way and take the green case off my hands when it comes in (as i already have Green)? the Agent 18 Eco cases are alot better then the incase slider i had before. better feel, no need to remove any part for docking it, fits in any dock/holder, and saves the planet! anyone interested? seems as though i was wrong about the 32GB coming out, but i am still holding out till the end of this week...lol also Yesterday i was filling the Jacuzzi and listening to Barak Obama's "Dream's from my Father" audio book when my home button on my iPhone decided to stop working. i made a appointment for later in the day online for the Genius bar and they replaced it again for free. i'm on my third iPhone 3G...eek!
  22. bhd812

    slow forum

    i had two dogs walk in before when i worked at the grocery store. one got chased out and the other was very nice wanting to be pet by everyone, owner was called and the dog got free treats and water while it waited... actually everyone really loved the second dog somuch the store seemed to be sad when the owner came. of course one assfuck had to bitch about a dog being in the store. he was in line screaming at the employees to get rid of the dog and how it did not belong there, everyone around him told him to shut up cause it was lost and the owner was on the way. if thats a husky then those owners are pretty stupid to have only a electric fence stopping it, the breed is known for being called "Houdini" for a good reason.
  23. bhd812

    slow forum

  24. thats why i said it's so hard to do it, i mean you pretty much have to have a separate room dedicated to just speakers and even then whats the floor and walls made of? that can send you back to point A. My room will not allow Low Bass to pass, no matter what i do the cement floor just does not let the low notes roll to the listening position..it's to the point where i have all my gear wrapped in garbage bags waiting for a new room in the future. i should move in above my bar later this year and then i will have a dedicated listening room but even then (and you know i will post about the room when it happens) it's going to be a fight with acoustics.. no no stay away from that! really i went down that road and all you do is Kill the sound (absorbing would mean so rite?). to get the Surrounding sonics you do from headphones you must let the sound travel, just control it which is where it gets really hard. for home theater or a studio type of setup (a dead room) then Absorbing is good, but not for a listening room to enjoy. i went off about this subject a few times on the boards about absorbing so i will shut up now..haha
  25. YES AND NO. yes to the overall point of headphones being somewhat cheaper and easier then speakers but no you don't need expensive speaker rigs to bring amazing sound, in fact money or cost has nothing to do with speakers. instead its getting the System (room,gear,electrical) to all work together as one perfectly that takes a shit load of time and dedication...and for most people that's a impartially impractically impossible. even with some headphones its falls back on perfect placement just like speakers, which is why i still say the perfect headphone can only be a custom molded IEM. just taking out the time needed to spend on a good sounding speaker setup is well worth $1400 headphones in my book.
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