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High Rollers
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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. omg overload on the help! i need a day or two to look thru just what you all said...omg thanks!
  2. My current home pc has been good to me over the last 6-7 years but i feel it's time to update to a newer a more robust machine. i have been waiting for Windows 7 to come closer to retail till i start to look into the pieces more seriously and i feel the time is now. this time around i want to build my own instead of buying an off the shelf. my current pc is a hp Media Center M370n with an upgraded Video card (nvidia 256), 3.24gigs of ram, and a 250gb hard drive. my use's for the current machine: keeping up with my music library (main use) watching movies via dvd or itunes downloads or from hulu as i use a Vizio 32 lcd as a monitor. net browsing of course. using a CAD type software for Lighting. what i want from my next machine: first and foremost to be able to do perfect and easy 1080P (for movies) with a 50 inch lcd as it's main monitor. an instant backup incase a hard drive crash, something like a Raid setup would give i guess. in fact i was toying with an idea of using Raid 5, what are your thoughts? i am willing to buy and install more drives as needed for this. would like the video card to be nvidia with SLI support and HDMI output, remember i am going with a 50 inch monitor so what power should i be looking into. would like this machine to be upgradable and future proof for the next 7 years.. dvd writer and a blue ray drive. here are a few parts i have been looking into sofar..please give me your opinions on them and suggest something cheaper or more costly if you feel the need.. CPU: not really sure what the differences in the intel iCore stuff is to the Core2 stuff. i was looking into the intel Core2 Quad 9650. it has a nice front bus speed and plenty of cores for the future of my needs. i like the speed of 3.0 ghz also of course. the price does not seem over done and could fit in my budget. Motherboard: this part i am all over the board with as there are so damn many out there. i was looking into the EVGA 790i though. it supports Sli/Cross fire, Raid 5, DDR3, digital sound out, and umm...not sure. anything you people have to recommend in this area? Video card: another area which i really don't know what i will need and what i won't. i am worried about the powering of 1080p to a big monitor though. again i would like nvidia with SLI support and HDMI output..any ideas here on what the top and bottom for my needs.. case: i really want to roll with an HTPC case. SILVERSTONE GD-01 seems to be really nice and have the inside space and outside space i would like. i really need an external card reader and two spots for dvd/blue ray drives. Hard drives: was thinking of rocking out with 4 seagate 1tb's in a Raid 5. though i read some people use an ssd drive for their os and then hdd's for their memory..should i bother looking into this way? and btw: i cant stand western digital..really! ram and power supply: with ram so cheap these days i am planning on going with what is on sale when i buy the parts so i have no specific ram spotted. i would like to go DDR3 as it is the newer. power supply will be chosen when all the parts are bought also..nothing much to think about more then that. cooling: just a few quiet fans really, i am not planning on over clocking anything.. budget target: around $2,000...hopefully less then that when it comes time to buy.. i would like to have it done by november, so keep in mind if you see a new part coming out by then.. well i need ideas and opinions from you peeps as i trust you all know more about these parts more then i do or my close friends do..
  3. bhd812

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlbvxd0Q10&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Top Gear Bugatti Veyron vs Mclaren f1[/ame]
  4. it should be like an easy way to read and post on the boards, like a facebook app.
  5. if you want to save battery turn 3G off and location services off when your not using them. you can use your home button for a few different features, like double clicking it to bring up the ipod instant. your four most used app's should be moved to the bottom of the screen so you can access them no matter what page your on..mine are phone, ipod, safari, and texts. back it up often and make sure you able genius to work on itunes. if the phone locks up hold the top button and home button for a few seconds to do a hard shutdown. get into the habit of checking for app updates often, you can do this on the phone or in itunes. remember there are moisture sensors in the headphone plug and dock plug, they seem to get set off by sweat or light moisture..just a warning.. download the lolcats app for crazy style laughs..seriously
  6. hc should really have its own app in the itunes store...seriously it would be cool to have.
  7. actually that's not much for a big name tour. as far as the people my friends talked to was that they had a huge screen and was planning on giving the concert goes 3d glasses which was all M.J.'s idea. the tour had something like 35 semi's full of gear planned out which is pretty normal for a gigantic arena type concert. M.J. was known to work round the clock with the dancers and head techs to find tune the show as it became closer for release. few artists where so involved into the planning process of a live show or concert, Diddy and Prince are another two that are known for this.. also in the concert business with a big name like M.J. selling the tickets a promoter cant really lose money. remember the promoter is the first and last to get paid, sure they already made good money on the tour.
  8. i have been designing a new pc on paper for sometime waiting for this. i am sure to have a few question threads in the future for all your opinions on what to do here and there..anyway my point is that i have been waiting for W7 to come out (or at least close) to build my next pc. i cant wait cause i am going with a 50+ lcd for a screen..screw this 32 shit..to small
  9. aww justin turns 2... happy birthday man! ur the future of headphone amps..atleast quality built ones..
  10. i remember my whole family getting a rented VHS copy of the music video Thriller and all my brothers and sister just sat and watched it over and over..like it was at that moment the most gigantic thing we seen ever in a music video..which it really was. i remember seeing the video for Rock with you and falling in love with the laser as it was my first moment i seen of a effect like that and thinking i want to do that for my life..which i eventually really ended up doing.. i always understood why he was so messed up in the head, nobody can argue your going to grow up nuts when you have a childhood like he did.... regardless his music has made all of us dance to atleast of one his songs at some time in our lives, we know the words to atleast one of his songs, and nomatter what age we are we have seen atleast one of his videos.. guess tonight's last song at the bar will be from him, still i am shocked. then again i consider 50 to be young.
  11. who cares?!? how much different is this USB crap from selling a $100+ LOD? i mean really when your buying a few inches of cable for a simple ipod dac'd line out to a portable headphone amp for that much is a "highend" USB cable much worse?
  12. bhd812

    slow forum

    i said it before, this boy had more sheer talent then all of the other rat pack peeps put together...he nails every impression perfect! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeDaNGzUYM8
  13. nice place, i like the bar!
  14. bhd812

    slow forum

    i always wondered... should a blind taste test participant be handicapped if they are blind? seriously..
  15. download the dsl reports speed test and post ur screen shots.. Speed Test - dslreports.com
  16. tethering on the netbook for a few quick ebay things seems to be faster then i imagined it would. i had to try it out really quick but right now i have no use for it so no worries on at&t coming back
  17. no but you can smoke a Fatty!
  18. seriously mine seemed to be logged down. i restored it and did fresh load of 3.0 but it still sucked balls. not sure what it means when voice control just shuts down and says nothing, maybe its following your request and not telling you..well at least i hope it is cause i keep telling it to give my ex herpes but the iphone says nothing back and goes to the home screen..oh well
  19. great minds think alike..
  20. honestly since i loaded 3.0 my 16gb 3G has been running like ass. anyway went over to Apple in Orland and told them i reserved online..i went before the small line waiting and got me a black 32gb-s. backing up my old 3g now then going to load in the back up to the new phone. phone took along time to connect to AT&T at first, like 40 mins.. the Camera is worth another $300 (as long as you can sell the old 3G for something close). i played with the focus and it works lots better then the old 3G and i played with the video but i have not loaded in the computer yet to see what it looks like.
  21. bhd812

    slow forum

    i dont care who you are.. illy is amazing stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0qjXFbC8c8 truth
  22. bhd812

    slow forum

    i dont care who you are... Maria Sharapova is hot!
  23. hopefully the lines are dead next week and i can pick one up then! how fast is apple shipping them out if you order today online?
  24. that puts my update month of Sept in good hands to my wallet.. now lets get AT%T to let us Tether!
  25. bhd812

    slow forum

    thats a very good question...why isnt there any puerto rican lemonade with Battery sound on fox news!
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