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Everything posted by Hysteria~

  1. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but dragging a thread off topic is probably against the rules also. I posted in two threads that I saw were active. I'd honestly see where if someone spammed 10 or 20 threads then it would be too far, but two threads? C'mon guys, seriously? I'm done posting about this. If someone wants to harass me a bit more feel free to PM me.
  2. I read it. I'm not intimidated by this forums "Lets scare off newcomers" game.
  3. Lemaitre - Strobes Pt. 2
  4. Reading through this series for the 3rd time. It's fun to learn/notice new details about a book every time you re-read it.
  5. Mirror's Edge and any of the Elder Scrolls games.
  6. Happy Birthday!
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