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Everything posted by didwlgh

  1. Wow... I've been away for headphone hobby for a while and I guess a lot of things happened in the meantime. I'll just add that Jenalabs just (within the past hour or two) got rid of its R-10 response from its website, as if nothing had happened. I guess some people will be tricked into getting recables from Jenalabs again in the future...
  2. Looks like you should be keeping all three amps - you seem to like each of them for its special qualities! I'm thinking hard about tube amps nowadays but I'm not sure what to reach for, as I hardly had any experience with tubes in my life.
  3. Hi Mike! Was wondering where you've been all this time. You're finally back! Count me in too....I think the L3ks are the only headphones that survived the endless rotations in my collection!
  4. Amazing review...I wish I could write like that =(
  5. That actually sounds pretty good..espcially since my desktop is loud as hell with its fans.
  6. Well yeah. Read that...I really wish they would make one for PCs as well.
  7. Damn, these look SWEET. They look amazing, apparently they sound amazing too. Any idea whether PCs with firewire port can use these? Or any plans for PC friendly version? I want these bad.....
  8. That's a keeper!!!
  9. Deepak, seriously, forget the Thiels. You love the Avantgardes way too much to wait for another couple years.
  10. actually, I dont think anything beyond -4 has a name.
  11. K1000s on darTZeel? Man, your K1000 is being pampered like no other.
  12. Fun game. Can anyone try -5 or better and see what bird names they put?
  13. I really wish I could. :'(
  14. Administrative Law Casebook by Cass, Diver, and Beermann. Freaking finals right after winterbreak...makes no sense.
  15. Noooo! I'll be around between 15-19. =(
  16. Happy Birthday!!!
  17. Hey thats my thread. I've been trying to downsize on the number of cans. Would have kept it if it weren't for L3Ks. They look pretty similar. ANy idea how other AT cans look like?
  18. Ouch. One headphone I've never had the urge to keep around.
  19. Yeah they changed the policy, and I think thats when everybody started having great feedback rating. Personally however, I've never really had a bad experience with agon. Several I've talked to were very approachable, and having conversations was actually delightful. Lowball offers exist anywhere, and that wasn't much of an issue. However, some of the potential international buyers had difficulty communicating in english, and that was frustrating. I wouldn't want to send a product overseas to someone who doen't speak english well and still expect to have a great transaction in the end....just too risky.
  20. OK, it just took me a whole hour to read all the posts. I've been away for a while because I wasn't feeling all too well this past month, and I guess I've been missing out on a LOT. Neil, NWO must really be crazy. I've never seen you praise so much, aside from when you got your first HE90 rig. Would love to hear it someday...I'm actually going to be visiting SF area for the first time in 12 years in a couple weeks, and was wondering if I could stop by and pay a vist sometime. Gotta hear what everyones been raving about last month!
  21. holy sh*t. $1500? Might as well buy HP1000s for that price.
  22. purk, I actually found he90s to be a bit bright...didn't notice it until I got to compare side by side with sr-omega. I liked both presentations, but it was more comfortable listening to the sr-omega in the long run. Sounded more neutral tonality-wise than he90. I did like the bigger soundstage of the he90 though.
  23. Ooooh. let me know how they sound!
  24. No set budget right now...I guess I'll just buy anything thats good enough. Not looking to get a custom-amp though. I guess I shouldn't have gotten rid of my Supra-XLR. Got rid of it to fund my speaker rig upgrade and now I'm kinda regretting it...
  25. I guess it's because I'm mainly focusing on a speaker rig (so I don't really want to bother with caabling issue at the moment), and I'd like to get rid of DHA3K and actually make good use of highend DACs. Waste of money to get a balanced headphopne amp, you think? I may end up getting rid of most of my other headphones and just get a balanced HD650 sometime in the future...so I would like to keep the option open.
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