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Everything posted by nopants

  1. thanks for the input, I wanted to bring up the elear but it wasn't worth making a new thread. I'll have to check the utopia out at some point after I get my dynamic setup going again
  2. do they not sound similar? i usually make the assumption that they strive to derive some house sound, but i guess it could be some other philosophy like cost cutting etc
  3. i grabbed an elear to go with the boards for the transportable dynalo, pretty good so far. i don't really see these beating electrostatics unless the utopia is a huge step up but time will tell i kind of want to run these out of something beefy like that mig amp
  4. i've heard the 1704 is still manufactured for special customers but i could be mistaken. it's been in danger of being discontinued for more than a decade right? i'm more worried about how to properly implement a spdif input without a tdr, there seem to be quite a few choices to try for the actual dac part for my diy dac i wanted to try an 1862 with the sen iv stage, i came across one of the ayre qb9 usb input boards but i'm not 100% sure how to exploit it yet
  5. this deal seems pretty good for 135, Fluke 117 Electricians True RMS Multimeter: https://slickdeals.net/share/iphone_app/fp/243635
  6. Innards aside I like those copper coppers for the lampizator golden gate, I'm wondering where I can get a set of those done for my T2. What kind of finish is that? Little bit of audio note flavor, maybe if I'm luckily it'll sound more metallic
  7. I started using mine regularly again too, but I there's something amiss with the treble (glare?) that makes it fatiguing to listen for more than an hour or two, also with a T2. I've been pretty curious how they'd sound with some of the newer amplifiers, and now kevin dropped the CFA design in our lap...in any event I guess it's nice that a few meatheads drive up the price. Also I was a bit unfair with the Lampizator picture so I dug up some recent ones, from here. Still kind of shoddy for something that starts at 10.5k, I think I'm mostly just butthurt that this company has developed a following at all.
  8. http://www.head-fi.org/t/826870/stax-sr-mint-like-new This guy was asking 9.5k for his pair, I wonder if it's time to let go of mine...
  9. I still appreciate that he came out to say something, even if it didn't amount to much. Certainly a lot more level-headed than when cavalli stopped by to grace everyone with his presence. Maybe I've also been desensitized but I didn't even think people were being too "flame"-y about things either haha Also Lampizator is some sort of sick joke, all it takes is a quick peek under the hood. But it's magic, has to sound good right? To this day I wonder what the wood is for
  10. i imagine astroturf endures being berated because people still give him information that he can regurgitate over at headfi, even if he doesn't understand it. it lines up if you consider how he's also reviving dead threads. or maybe it's just some weird martyr complex, either way the discussion takes a nosedive pretty consistently
  11. on the topic of connectors, does amphenol sell caps/covers for theirs? I was thinking about what to do with my amplifier if I choose to put it in storage.
  12. what are the typical ways of sinking smd parts? i saw kerry do it with the transportable dynalo and it seemed a bit unwieldy, hard to wrap my head around. are you just pressing the board against a surface?
  13. No LV supplies and no sinking, seems like this was what the exstata should have been.
  14. is that copper clad for the face? i'm a fan
  15. am i the only one imagining kevin drawing this up with one hand and basting a turkey with the other? this needs the plug in card form factor to get the full msb experience
  16. nice internal wiring, how hot does the psu case get?
  17. i wonder how much of the budget went towards the casework
  18. black jacks best jacks
  19. @luvdunhill i have 2 pieces that i don't plan on using anytime soon, if you'd like to take them off my hands
  20. I'm also interested in an enclosure group buy if possible.
  21. thanks so much for the pictures, I'll order a few while the amp's opened up
  22. The 216s in one T2 channel went bad, unfortunately when the headphones were connected...no smoke or anything, just a short between gate and source when I was diode testing. Haven't played any music since I repaired it but crossing my fingers. Luckily I had some spare 216's on hand but I was entertaining the idea of replacing them with ksa1220 and the j79's with ksa2960. Any clever ideas for adapting these to the board? I glanced at the pinout and it seems like they'd have to be mounted upside down relative to sink. @JoaMat I think I remember you doing this for one or two amplifiers - are they still running without issue, and how'd you mount them?
  23. congratulations on your build. i separate my psu and amp sections but it looks so much more menacing as a stack
  24. Paid, thank you for putting this together
  25. I'm interested in 5 pots but the sheet is locked, also part of the dynalo buy as well. Added my name for the time being.
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