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Everything posted by nopants

  1. Actually I might not even be able to roll two of those....they don't supply enough current compared to the custom transformer from sumr right? 2 x 420V (@125mA output ea) secondaries addendum: I am a dumbass
  2. everything is from antek except for the hv transformer, which is the hammond 269GX- 450V + a single 6.3 filament which seemed like a natural fit for the psu and front-end. 25VA / 2x6.3 x 3 25VA / 2x15 x1, based on the kgsshv requirements for the LV secondaries I should be able to stack these to save some space and mitigate hum issues based on past experience. I was envisioning a one box build where the amp board sits on top via standoffs,with some kind of cage around it. Sounds pretty dumb in my head, but I'm no less averse to casework than when I did the kgsshv...
  3. Well the rest of my parts and come in tomorrow, I should have something functional by the weekend...luckily I ordered the necessary parts before before an untimely car accident here's to hoping this thing doesn't explode
  4. Went ahead and populated the psu BOM at Mouser - http://www.mouser.com/ProjectManager/ProjectDetail.aspx?AccessID=e580be76a8 , can you guys see it? I think I may have gotten some counts/values wrong, I definitely added extra for a few caps at the very least, etc. What would you need to change the diodes and resistors to to get a different rail supply, such as +/- 35 like what Kevin mentioned?
  5. No worries, at least we're keeping tabs on it. I would be annoyed with a board this dense if I had to go digging at the zener strings after everything else was populated.
  6. Can someone confirm this? I've been following the PCB and I see each rail's diode string as 3x150V.
  7. I could have sworn I did that...maybe I didn't deselect Vishay. I'm really surprised about the ratshack info though, pretty annoying too as I just bought that vise that was posted on slickdeals.
  8. My boards have arrived, west coast. I'm pretty excite but parts express decided to shaft me with some sign on delivery antics
  9. I have some AD2000 pads I can send your way, as well as some slightly dead O2 pads I'm sure you have tons more of those than I do though
  10. Just FYI the 130V Zeners in some BOM's are listed as EOL @ Mouser http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Vishay/Z4KE130-E3-54/?qs=%2fha2pyFaduiEBNc%252b2yf67CKy6tKtPo0ZpShBe3I%2fQUB1Qd99z2ndSw%3d%3d
  11. Thanks for the info spritzer, I will keep that in mind my wallet recovers enough to consider rolling these tubes. I went digging around for 6ca7's on ebay and happened upon this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171112790336 He gave me a bit of a discount for purchasing 8 so I figured the price delta over the various reissues was worth my curiosity. Leaving the link here for anyone else interested.
  12. I'm also in the market for an htpc-ish build, I repurposed/recased my old desktop as a file server and I'd like to get a totally passive build going as a client > dac type deal. Did puget sound do anything special as far as vibration damping/throttling is concerned? I've read on anandtech that they take such measures for their desktop lines.
  13. Can anyone comment on the feasibility of buying NOS EL34's as substitutes? I know it's an old topic so I've been digging through the internet... all I can find is "they're interchangeable but one is a pentode, the other is a beam tetrode", European EL34's are America 6CA7. It's all shaping up to be a serious mindfuck
  14. any previews of your case renderings while we struggle to contain the excite? i am probably late in my aesthetic input but those useless rings on metal that frame the heatsink fin edges would be nice. i keep scratching myself when i pick these amplifiers up off the ground, etc. pretty sure i wont be eating for a while, between this and the megatron
  15. thanks spritzer, I'll go ahead and use the specs for the 450v kgsshv transformer then. i was also glancing at the pcb layout and i noticed that a 21k resistor now taps off the positive hv rail- is there any advantage now to using a separate supply for +300v?
  16. damn you guys are making me so curious about the 009, I hope the yen takes another beating so I can get in at a good price
  17. you can grease some spikes with vaseline or another google-returned surface that ants can't climb up I'm pulling this out of my butt ...so to speak
  18. not 1000 words, require pictures, TIA
  19. I'm down, that's a reasonable amount to save/recuperate towards by year's end. Edit: down for chassis, boards, everythang
  20. Hi there, I'm really interested in this minimalist design. What tubes does it use? Best, Andrew
  21. Damn I read off the wrong line like a dumbass, you can keep the change though
  22. Actually I was going to ask if stax stocked things like replacement head assemblies so I could black it up...then I realized it would probably cost 40% of a mk1 pair through dealers. But my mk1's don't sound dark enough, so I don't see a better way to achieve this
  23. this isnt constructive at all but i really dig the look of the all black o2
  24. and he still manages to shove a relay attenuator in there, christ
  25. I am so excite oh shit son
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