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Everything posted by nopants

  1. fucking canada mail my 200ma xformer faster
  2. had the chance to listen to this recently on some hd800s. I prefer it to the beta 22
  3. Kevin mentions in the dynahi thread a "single" version of the 2sc3381, does anyone know the specific part number? I figure it might be relevant here since they are going for $18 a pop on bdent.
  4. Well it is sort of a valid point, the dust buildup will be substantial. It's quite busy in there, must be an EMI nightmare. On a related note, for those with a bigger budget, I found this in the related images search - http://www.amazon.com/Sony-HAPZ1ES-Hi-Res-Player-System/dp/B00FFZD29Q Internals Seems like it might be a more compelling unit in some of your audiotistic setups. If you were anal about fans I could imagine some bullshitting with an SSD and/or heatsink would go a long way in this unit.
  5. from my five minutes of shitty googling: pcm1795 lm2876 chipamps 4580 opamps (for what I'm not sure, I/V duty?) It seems like a solid set of parts for an all-in-one. Can't see much else so I don't know if there's a separate headphone amplifier.
  6. For those of you guys who don't need the compute power, you can look at the windows transformer book from asus. I picked this up because I wanted a passively cooled computer as a foobar slave. It's actually powerful enough for most basic tasks, I was pleasantly surprised.
  7. You might enjoy the flexibility of getting a USB-SPDIF solution and fishing around for some older DACs.
  8. Are you talking about the acrylic stand? That's the HPS1 isn't it?
  9. I think sumr has a bit of holiday lag in him at the moment, he's taking quite a while to manufacture and deliver my high-current KGSSHV transformer.
  10. twisted flesh cable, where do I sign up? Doesn't that thing develop a patina because the tubing isn't airtight? I was pretty amused when I saw pictures.
  11. Just an FYI, I sent a request out for a few relevant parts to tohri, their invoice indicates 2sa1486AZ - 800 pcs @ 1.80 USD 2sj79E - 3000 pcs @ 2.46 USD 2sk216-E - 2000 pcs @ 2.38 USD Stated after this quote, US$29.00 will be additionally asked as minimum handling charge to cover banking charge in case total order value is less than US$2,000.00. Seems group-buy worthy, but what do I know Edit: this quote indicates their entire stock, I'm not spritzer enough to clean them out
  12. I like the case though, save for the choice of power button/switch
  13. Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but whoever's in the market for these headphones should try them out in person first. I purchased a pair online and ended up returning it because the headband had a tendency to retract on its own, even when on my head.
  14. It's been discussed earlier in the thread but you can use a dropping resistor to derive 300V for the front-end from the HV rail of the KGSSHV power supply. You should remove the 3904's for megatron duty.
  15. powering down before jacking? I power up when jacking off so I don't know what you're talking about
  16. welp, heard a huge pop from my kgsshv, but not before some weird static buildup in the left channel. Can't tell if the headphones are damaged, but sound still comes out. All of the LED's on the amplifier board are still lit, so I'm not sure where the problem could be, power supply?
  17. any particular need for the interstage over normal ac coupling?
  18. There's another space heater out there that isn't the T2/BH? Just about the only thing I've been able to cook with my megatron is the underspec'd transfomer. Probably not the smartest amplifier to use at my bedside either.
  19. I'm hype about receiving a sumr transformer rated for the megaton,just placed the order last week. Call me a pussy but it's way too cold in Cali right now, I need a space heater. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Does that mean you've frankensteined a bunch of lambda parts together where the drivers are from an LNS?
  21. Well at least they let you know in advance you can't revert it once they perform the upgrade. Maybe you should shoot them a question and see if they cough up anything of value
  22. ^ I was telling myself the same thing but I just sold my last dynamic headphone what have I become
  23. 1K euros is what I've seen thrown around. I just sold my k1000's so I'm mildy interested in these.
  24. How often does the fan spin up? Is it noticeable under load?
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