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Everything posted by nopants

  1. I'm using two switches, lazy
  2. You need to match fets to each other per channel, not across them lsk389 is a dual-fet package which for most cases ensures matching, so no need to buy extras unless you need them in future projects you can also use 2x k170 but I'm not sure if they will fit in the krell. should be slightly cheaper
  3. I don't think single power would have sprung for old electrocompaniet cases, I only do shitty casing of the highest quality
  4. I certainly see that's true now, I just haven't liked choosing what I consider to be subjective components like coupling/bypass caps. if I revisit this I will try the Russian teflons and Mundorf supremes and check things out. I might get more mileage out of swapping tubes though for other people interested in building the megatron there is a guy on diyaudio selling 1967s. I think these should work as a 1968 substitution ( just an exposed tab), goes by Craig buckingham iirc
  5. I am sick and tired of all you guys and your nice casework so it's time I shit on the thread: I'm glad this isn't headfi so I don't have to preface how stupid this is on multiple levels. I'm sad it doesn't fit in baby's first audio rack that I just purchased, but maybe it's better that I can't leave it there. this amplifier has certainly changed my mind about ac coupling, I'm so impressed.
  6. it's an accessible piece on signal integrity, and opens the door to discussion on treating the digital stuff as an rf interface. too bad that stuff drives you insane when you read about it. it's one of the main reasons i shopped around for a dac with a secondary pll.
  7. will the krell psu board work for those?
  8. well I've already complained about the shortcomings and this certainly isn't the place for headfi style impressions. suffice it to say I don't own dynamics anymore for a reason I still really want to try these with a 6336c amp, I think the heat output would probably skew my bias positive
  9. I thought spritzer was selling some prototype boards
  10. I've been spending small amounts of time with the hd800 on a balanced beta and single ended krell ksa, I'm leaning a bit toward the krell because of the way it slightly compresses the vocal imaging. otherwise I tend to experience a super stereo effect while listening. I feel even with this level of amplification the treble still is a bit smeared. the bass is nice though, certainly one of the unique strengths of the headphone.
  11. Very nice, a tiny footprint. Are the new kgsshv substitutions (mpsw*) valid for each of the older transistors? I think I'm running a bit low on those but I have the 06/56 from my krell purchases. Will there be any problems with the film caps being that close to the tube glass? I had reservations about mounting components on the same side as the tubes in the megatron, but I don't actually know if the temps make a difference.
  12. if you don't need the USB input you can get the bifrost with the upgraded analog stage. It looks like a solid package for the money, I was interested in it when I was looking around for a Vout DAC
  13. yeah I only live with spdif because the old r2r dacs interface that way. i2s is the way to go
  14. Yeah I wouldn't know, but I use both the audiophilleo and legato (streamlength) and they are very well implemented. Gordon Rankin seems to consider it a tricky thing to deal with, but from looking over ECP products I don't doubt Doug can put in the work. You could also opt for for a nice spdif input section, blah blah blah
  15. nice choice of dac, certainly sounds solid. you can always license the audiophilleo, but I have no idea how much that costs
  16. I agree, the DAC sounds pretty interesting. What chips do you have in your prototype? I wish there was more DAC talk here, maybe I wouldn't have dropped on the spectral and I'd be thousands of dollars richer
  17. killing me, too many designs to play with also a reminder to move my megatron into the office Also if you have room for one more please pencil me in for that run of amplifiers
  18. I'm interested in the dac, is doug doing something fancy with I/V transformers?
  19. Can you talk a little bit more about the boards on which you built your kgst spritzer? what is the vulcan?
  20. I thought electrolytic lifetimes were quoted at load, do they just dry up sitting around?
  21. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-Military-Gold-10-Pin-Twist-Male-Female-Connector-LF10-/180475627186?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a052f86b2
  22. nopants

    Audeze LCD-X

    As someone who is constipated I endorse shit pushing
  23. I'm reivisting the imbalance issue in one of my pairs of mk1s, I can momentarily restore the levels if I press the earcup against my head while it's playing. Does that imply some kind of leak/pressure in/on the dust cover? Do I need to fiddle around with that junk? re: the post above, I didn't know what good treble sounded like until I listened to the 007s. might be interested in some cheaper stax alternatives though, like the $1k sigma pro that popped up on audiogon.
  24. your amplifier is getting warm, very abnormal behavior
  25. Thanks Filburt- I believe you're correct and they're just letting the ESS system handle things. I'm still slightly curious about the original PCM1794 implementation though. I should also correct myself, they licensed Streamlength, the async usb code, from Gordon Rankin. This is the same stuff that's being used in some fancypants converters like the ar-t legato.
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