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Everything posted by nopants

  1. this reminds me, do you add any decoupling to the bh hv rails? I noticed there are no spots on the amplifier board. I have some Russian caps lying around that I can duct tape and paper clip into the mix
  2. Let's try to be positive- custom, proprietary dampening compound
  3. Looks great, I'm getting started on mine How are you attaching those rings? Adhesive?
  4. any new info on your super kgst birgir?
  5. what have you been tweaking between your versions?
  6. Justin recommended http://www.chip1stop.com/web/JPN/en/search.do?classCd=&did=&keyword=2sa1486previously iirc
  7. I used 4401g without issue You can look at different revisions of the boards, those cap values are all over the place. Use whatever fits, or stuff that is fancy. I think I had leftover fine golds from the krell that I stuffed there. I think I had 1kv for those 3900 pf spots, but my memory is a bit fuzzy I've used the board as a "golden" reference and it hasn't steered me wrong for 95% of the time. The remaining 5% is usually quickly sorted out by Kevin and/or Birgir.
  8. turning the pot to max is the same
  9. I like it, but doesn't the top panel imply you want to do something specific for the sinks?
  10. does the output need sinks?
  11. Larry you've a PM
  12. nopants


    isn't it just the first track of each album
  13. this has taken a turn for the erotic
  14. I don't remember the exact part number from mouser, I only encountered them in my travels in ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ALUTRONIC-Polyester-Cover-for-TO-220-Transistor-MPN-IK551-LOT-of-80-PCS-/141262283260?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20e3e361fc
  15. Kerry doesn't sound too worried, but iirc there are caps you can place over the to220 packages
  16. what's the clearance between the 3675 tabs and the sinks?
  17. I've been using mine without the servo, no issues
  18. are you talking about arise? they really did a number to the characters
  19. Those HV supplies are tiny, especially since you're using the fancier version. Nice work
  20. my best wishes to you and your daughter, I hope she's not deterred by this setback during these formative college years
  21. is that a real question
  22. lower cob than the 3675 if the sheets are to be believed
  23. If Craig is ok with it I can post the mods he suggested
  24. Is there a way to have the site list files by date modified?
  25. before I got lazy and started taking stuff apart myself I worked with high end workshop in the uk, despite being in norcal
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