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Everything posted by nopants

  1. I have a quad of sylvania, GE and RCA. Using the sylvania's but I'm too lazy to open up the cover and swap
  2. Sorry I read this right after the previous exchanges. What tubes are you using, and have you tried other quads? I assume you aren't having offset/balance issues
  3. What are you trying to say, that the KGST is worse because it doesn't use 6SN7s? I don't really understand the comparison.
  4. Thanks for being the alpha tester for this board, let us know how it sounds
  5. or read the thread
  6. change the resistor in series with the offset pot where are you measuring the bias from did you do these adjustments with the box open and then recase the amplifier
  7. can't quite make out the faceplate, is that the dsd version? I'm debating getting in line for the upgrade, interested in everything except the dsd feature
  8. Tried to do something similar for a botched Megatron board I picked up, almost impossible with a normal tip. JoaMat said he had some sort of gun which he referenced when he was making the bootleg KGSiC.
  9. how did franks amp sound?
  10. yes, because the output is taken after 4.7M
  11. nopants


  12. for the people who are using the onboard heatsinks, what temperatures are you getting? also how hot does the top plate get during operation? I realized this is the first time I built something using a "normal" enclosure
  13. I've used the a*6 parts without issue
  14. if you have the boards you should be able to derive measurements for an appropriate case after picking one of the transformers mentioned in this thread 63/37 with a small diameter should work fine
  15. this thread has taken a turn for the erotic
  16. new board run is like at least 500 usd, just a heads up
  17. it's not the worst idea, if it's well insulated why not BHSE does something similar with molex connectors, though Justin uses a daughter board I guess
  18. Got a link to that switch geoff? I dig the purple
  19. use a variac
  20. The site works if you access the main modushop.biz link first can't get the coupon to work though
  21. 450vac
  22. Oh I was referring to ordering from Linear, you can shoot the company an email and they are perfectly willing to sell pieces in any quantity. I think it's either 6 or 8 usd a pop
  23. Yes I'm just providing the resultant voltage because I suggested using that transformer
  24. Just did a power-on, the 300 Vac unit will give you 368 Vdc or so on the rails
  25. That's ridiculous, can you order directly from Linear?
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