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Everything posted by nopants

  1. started to look at the layout for the phase splitter + cfa output does your legend apply to the output only, or both sections? your schematic has 2s* parts in the phase splitter, and I seem to remember there being a version of the ubalbal board that accepts mps* parts.
  2. maybe I should buy one of Birgir's amplifiers so I can reuse the packaging as a bomb shelter
  3. Have you guys given up on the pbmf input fet option? Mouser lists this as EOL The only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is perhaps a hole/some holes near the output section, to have some options for wiring. Not sure what everyone else's experiences are but snaking wires to terminal blocks over the resistors gets kind of crowded for me (kgsshv offboard). This might be a pain given the size of the board though. Maybe I'll just start using molex connectors
  4. The one I use in the KGST has a slight self hum but none of this makes it to the headphones. Similar to the part you linked, it's only drawing a small portion of the available current
  5. Is this the same build as the one you posted before? At what current did you configure the output stage?
  6. what needs to be matched in the T2? The quantities in their stock probably make matching prohibitive
  7. If he runs it stock it should be enough sinking, the original full-size offboard build was overkill
  8. Damn I feel like I'm in the stone age with my non-spring centre punch and hammer, with which I also get questionable results
  9. sounds like a pretty ideal solution for the t2
  10. pretty interesting work, it sounds like we stone agers using the standard pads can just swap the cloth grills to get some of the benefits I'm a bit hesitant at the thought of exposing the driver to more dust though
  11. I was clicking on some old links to Walt Jung articles and it took me the the xpress homepage instead. I spotted this: http://audioxpress.com/article/New-Hybrid-Electrostatic-Headphones-and-Tube-Hybrid-Headphone-Amplifier-from-ENIGMAcoustics.html I don't know what to make of the headphones, but why is there only a render if they're supposedly due out in May? The Dharma D1000 headphone takes full advantage of ENIGMAcoustics’ SBESL (Self-Biased Electrostatic) technology, offering electrostatic transparency, focus, and inner detail without the need for an external energizer to provide a polarizing voltage. Instead, the bias voltage is derived from the signal itself in a proprietary manner, making Dharma, according to the company “an easy to use, convenient, and with its light weight, very comfortable headphone.” Enigmatically upside down
  12. fair price is probably around 1100, anything north of that they're trying to gouge you on condition IMO I think I sold 2 of mine at like 1300? some time back, but that's a bit of an outlier
  13. doesn't the original design have feedback? short detour to the post office today: dual k170s and j74s from someone on diyaudio. should have a good home in the phase splitter
  14. http://tw.taobao.com/item/43870740416.htm Description taken straight from mjolnir audio's site. Those sinks aren't even the right size. Wasn't there a guy on this forum asking about the use of AMRG resistors? Edit: same exact pictures from xianghao's bs, with those undersized sinks used in the megatron supply
  15. Are you going to add a place for a pot between the splitter and amp sections? Might be useful, and you can always bypass it
  16. so what you're telling me is I need to donate a kxr to the Gilmore group
  17. Was shopping for some filament transformers for my cased build of the Megatron, the ones in the center are driving 2 x EL34 so I think those secondaries need to be at least 3A.
  18. How hot does your sink get?
  19. using modushop cases you should be able to find something that fits whether it's the offboard or onboard version
  20. test it under load, some sinked resistor
  21. I've been thinking about how to add the switch, I'll probably swap what's already there for one of those IEC outlets with a switch built in- if I choose to do it that is. I haven't really checked how hot it runs, I've been listening too much. Pat was part of Analog Research and currently a part of AR-T. I've read quite a bit of his posts across diyaudio > diyhifi > etc. He has a ton of material for DIY stuff involving SPDIF, also some I/V work. He's also written about the not-so-DIY stuff like crystals and oscillators. There's so much misleading information when it comes to jitter and "femto clocks", it's kind of disgusting sometimes. I found an ad for the Legato 2 for half off and I bought it on impulse, which led to a bit of a vintage DAC binge. I figured a DAC designed by him would be just as competitive by today's standards as it was when it was introduced in 1996(?). He mentioned that something like the Segue couldn't be built for obvious reasons in 2015, and that his new DAC will probably employ op-amp I/V and/or output (I think he also implied some ESS solution, he seems to like their ASRCs). I'll try to post some pics of the I/V Colin, a monolithic board makes capturing the back pretty tricky. I only lifted the top cover to check that nothing had broken in transit (from Russia). Ironically enough the cost of this Segue is just enough to cover a set of new feet for the SDR2000...which is ~halfway towards the cost of a recap. I hate to think how much an actual repair of the thing will cost.
  22. 9RA6 version would be nice, I was planning on mounting sockets to the chassis and redoing the pins to the board with some air wiring. I bought some tube socket adapters but the way they were wired inside didn't allow for easy rewiring of the pins. Also thinking about doing the DN25* cascade + 10m90s on offboard sinks
  23. I was recently able to pick this up after a year or two of searching. I figured I'd post some pics that I had on hand, only internals atm. It uses 2 AD1862s, and has two outputs. One of them is fixed level while the other can be attenuated by a TKD pot. Supposedly this was a CES prototype so there's no power switch. Sounds great, a shame I can't compare it to my Spectral which recently melted down. Using it with a Legato 2, which was designed by the same guy (Jocko Homo)
  24. I can't contribute much to this thread, but I was I was reading about the use of 12SN7GTA's over the 6BX7 because of better matching between sections (Morgan Jones, Daughter of the Beast). I assume 12SN7* is a valid option if you're willing to tweak the filaments.
  25. Inu was planning to build his KGST with 9RA6's. The pinout is different so be sure to account for that. I'm trying to figure out how to make adapters for my 9RA6 tubes.
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