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Everything posted by nopants

  1. There are only 4 devices that need to be sinked per board, Should be easy enough to do by hand
  2. it's a KGST with silicon carbide output devices in place of the triode
  3. damn that thing looks pretty intimidating
  4. yes w5k has pretty poor isolation What's the difference between the older version of their headphones and this X series?
  5. There's not much to update on the DAC side- the only chip that comes to mind is the ARTA dac, which is vaporware I'm not really sure what they would update on the output stage either but who knows- might just be reacting to EOL changes like what people deal with for DIY Stax boards Maybe the filter, or the digital input section could receive upgrades?
  6. They could have done something similar using the PCM56 chip but I suppose someone decided that 16-bit would have been a harder sell
  7. I'm interested in 1 set
  8. The choice of DAC chips is unique, but somebody was pooh-poohing its dynamic range performance. I wouldn't call it a revolution, but I do like that they're choosing not to spend money towards implementing DSD in their flagship product. I'm interested in the filter, which is the main reason I purchased one. Going to be using it with a separate USB-SPDIF solution though.
  9. Looks useable, now I just need to figure out how to buy from them. I wonder if that's actually a section of stax cable in the provided shot
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/AKG-K-1000-Headband-Headphones-Silver-Black-/121633736433?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c51ef86f1 Something worth considering
  11. Is the hev70 receptacle a standard part? I'm thinking about grabbing one of those and cutting one of my leftover stax cables for the male plug. Morgan Jones lists some part numbers in his "daughter of beast" schematic but they haven't yielded anything useful.
  12. maybe apply some pressure on the heatsinks with the cover by raising them with standoffs, that's what I do for the Megatron power supply, can interface them too. I don't know if your heat dissipation is actually a problem or not
  13. is it a perforated cover?
  14. 70 dollars for peace of mind I also picked up an HE60, do I have to increase the bias resistance to use these with stax amplifiers?
  15. figured I'd post this here, no other appropriate place. had some old ribbon nordost rca cables that I wanted to use for xlr duty. ended up using copper braid for ground because it conforms to the ribbon shape well: seems to work without issue so I'm content. I'm considering similarly covering up the ugly kinks in some goertz cables: is there anything you can do to keep the braid from oxidizing?
  16. yeah I'm going to take the extra precaution to double-box, and I lined it with foam that I've been collecting from purchasing all these these aluminum chassis. Thanks for the tips, I think this is the first time I've shipped out my own diy work. Now I'm left ampless at the office, need to finish casing the Megatron. Edcor really takes their sweet time with their transformers.
  17. making me antsy about shipping my KGST out, good thing it's only norcal to socal
  18. Birgir has said they're untested, so same boat as the newest version
  19. you can get your own one-off done, won't break the bank I think JoaMat is the only one with a working unit at this point, maybe Kevin? Beta tests are open, register at http://gilmore.chem.northwestern.edu/boards/ I have a set of the boards prior to these upgrades if you're interested. I think it's equivalent to the version that Birgir posted earlier in this thread
  20. might want to tell your friend to use properly sized heatsinks as well
  21. 60 years is diamond, it's a sign
  22. any issues with laying them horizontally? maybe put the pads on the back of the board? Either way I'm glad I don't have to go treasure hunting on ebay Are you trying to maintain the same board size? This version sounds pretty dense- kgsshv diamond? haha or maybe it's "this version sounds pretty buff- kgsshv cabron edition"
  23. Maybe he was referring to the active parts? Are the smd versions of the mps*6 devices also EOL? I don't remember the power handling off the top of my head, but seems like a possible option
  24. read the thread
  25. I like the layout of the inside, certainly some ideas for future builds
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