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Everything posted by nopants

  1. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4338609 since there seems to be some talk about jfets afoot
  2. it is scam do not want!! btw I found a sigma pro, I'm a believer. this shit is nuts
  3. george implied the builder is lil' knight, whose history has been chronicled around the internet you probably just need to fab the boards yourself, the gerbers are available. Make of 5 boards for the amp and psu and sell the other ones
  4. yeah I guess that's the line we walk in DIY, also why I'll never accept money upfront for a commission the price for that chassis and that much completion isn't actually ludicrous, always an option for someone who wants one
  5. 900 USD I kid, but someone is selling the Lil' Knight version on headfi
  6. Edcor for the filaments, a little large but should be able to handle any EL34. There's so much work involved in assembly I might not end up selling it haha, definitely worth more than its cost in parts
  7. Wow you really shrank those boards, impressive. planning on releasing the boardwork? Did you change the output current? What don't you like about the modushop chassis?
  8. I think it's a modushop chassis, one the dissipante ones
  9. yeah I was already in the process of mounting them on the side, the blank side panels were just to measure clearances when I didn't have the transformers. unfortunately not enough space to mount all of them to the side so the shared filaments will be mounted behind the front plate speaking of front plate does anyone have a drawing of justin's stax jacks? I wanted something that could be used as a stencil. it would enable me to blind tap the faceplate by hand
  10. what I learned today just because birgir said he can fit something into x chassis doesn't mean I can fit something into x chassis maybe the one nice thing about the megatron is that if you manage to get it working it almost has to look impressive
  11. If it's proven functional it'd be a pretty good grab regardless, especially given the state of 1968s http://www.ebay.com/itm/2SA1968LS-Original-New-Sanyo-Transistor-A1968LS-/121046710647?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2ef23977 the dotcom bubble was merely a leading indicator of this
  12. Not 100% related but it seems like there's a BH original looking for a good home... http://www.head-fi.org/t/763265/blue-hawaii-wood-paneled-price-reduced-2x
  13. I really like the proportions that Justin achieved with the fully-exposed tubes and spiked feet. Kind of regret selling mine now, the amount of work that goes into one is no joke. Maybe when BHSE parts run out and he's forced to go to Carbon's I'll place an order
  14. What size hex nuts/bolts are you using to affix the bracket to the heatsink? I'm currently wrestling with how to do this properly for a BH build.
  15. I'm interested in what sinks you'll be rolling with this tiny case
  16. I thought by the exchange between you and kevin it was going to be 3 layers that could be etched by hand or something, I should have checked things myself
  17. Has anyone looked into getting the smd carbon boards fabbed? can't find a place that doesn't have an incredibly steep price. Seems to be a little wacky due to the 3 layer affair seeedstudio detects the board as 2 layer, 10x10 cm2. OSHPark doesn't accept the file, cites no outline
  18. nopants

    Oppo PM3

    It hasn't been too obvious from the pictures, but does the single entry happen to have 4 conductors? Interested in balanced drive
  19. I tried to disassemble the sola/powerone/etc. power supply, it's pretty hard. The screws they use for the transformer are super soft- I destroyed the head after one slip of the screwdriver
  20. https://www.chemtronics.com/p-699-circuitworks-heat-sink-grease.aspx
  21. Thanks for the heads up. I just used the last of my sockets so I'll buy a few during the next mouser order. I'm not sure it's worth reworking the board for the servos. The input bipolar socket looks like it has the round receptacles you're picturing
  22. Thanks for the heads up, I was trying to recycle some leftover parts since the boards were on the cheap and the case is free. What makes these sockets better than the standard fare?
  23. that is getting the treatment too, just waiting on some filament transformers
  24. the adhesive pad thing still hasn't changed up until the sr507 right?
  25. usps fucked up delivery of my psu, but I also need to downgrade to 25v silmics to get everything to fit properly in this case. was also thinking of using the 5/-+12 supplies to make a version with a relay attenuator
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