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Everything posted by nopants

  1. It's pretty absurd if you think what's inside a product doesn't somehow reflect on the reputation of a company You can't fault other people for making educated assessments just because you don't understand the technical aspects of the design- having a high word count isn't going to make up for that, this isn't headfi
  2. Great work. Is this is for a second build, or are you just floorplanning with spare pcbs?
  3. That guy amir's been popping up everywhere, insufferable
  4. trimming the elastic worked great thanks, is there anything I can apply to the leather to keep it in good condition?
  5. Do you guys know if there's an easy way to get a replacement headband for the 007mk1? I don't even know if Stax still makes that stuff...
  6. I saw some files online for 3d-printing sigma enclosures, has anyone messed with this stuff?
  7. Looks great, good luck with the launch- definitely interested in a unit myself
  8. Can't tell if you're justifying stealing the design or getting mad that you got exposed, maybe it's both
  9. I got burned pretty hard buying some random parts from him, bad times
  10. I have one of Birgir's Omegas, I'm mildly curious to compare the O1 O2 and X That price tag is brutal though
  11. Nice build, did you get the angle-brackets done by the same shop?
  12. You guys see any issue powering the attenuator with switchers? Was thinking the meanwell stuff used in the smd ss dynalo, irm series
  13. I powered on my Carbon without any headphones and I heard music...coming from the amplifier- specifically the potentiometer (4CP-2508S). It also wasn't attenuating at all- turns out I forgot to connect L-/+ and R-/+ common pins together and that fixed everything, but I swear I can still hear something (albeit attenuated compared to before) when nothing's plugged in. Have any of you guys encountered this? FWIW I'm using the version with the divider shields
  14. I didn't think it was an issue I was more wondering what Stax does on their side, then don't even try to regulate the bias afaik right? It's been a while so I've forgotten most of this stuff
  15. Had to replace a bad lt1021 but I got my psu boards up and running without much issue - the bias TP seems to be ~567 though - is this within spec for Stax? (Does Stax even have a spec ?)
  16. How do you guys orient the terminal blocks on the amplifier boards? I have Version 0.5, pretty crowded and I read a little about how people have had issues with the terminal blocks shorting with the tracks near the outputs/rails. I figured you guys with finished builds would have some pointers- it seems like the least headache is to mount them opposite the component side at a glance.
  17. paid, thanks again for doing this
  18. I'd like to add 1 78xx 1 79xx 1 mainboard to my order (effectively 3 psu sets total) Thanks!
  19. I'd like to upgrade my quantities if possible: 2x preassembled GRHV's 2x bare GRHV's 2x GRLV78xx 2x GRLV79xx 2x T2 PSU board 2x T2 board (Didn't realize the prices would be so good) We don't need GRHV's for the T2 mainboard right?
  20. partially assembled Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  21. looks like Kerry's build Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  22. XF2s and EH's. Was only one tube socket but I panicked pretty hard haha
  23. Yeah I started doing that, but I got spooked when I saw one of the tubes start red plating and flashing. I switched to a cheaper tube and the heater/cathode was still flashing similarly in the same spot. I'll tackle it when I have some more free time this week. Thanks for the help guys
  24. neither channel works atm Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  25. I guess it's easier to recount the trail of events: Swirling/Static in left channel, left channel goes out mid-use (happened before in a channel years ago, ended up having to replace a k216 somewhere after checking some of the behavior near the power rails). At this point I was able to power up both channels and only the left one wasn't functioning properly. Right channel was fine throughout this time - rails weren't acting up etc. While powering on (only) the faulty left channel afterward I saw something spark near the output CCS and take out the stacked LED's Left it alone for a few days, tried out the right channel just to verify that it was still working so I could compare voltages etc. Problem as stated in the previous post - rails all measured like the limiting kicked in I do think I've messed with the current limiting at one point, but my recollection is kind of fuzzy - I was actually going to search through this thread because I feel like I've encountered it before
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