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Everything posted by nopants

  1. maybe there's some merit in jury-rigging the zener string to the old power supply's doubler
  2. how did you ground the xlrs
  3. also relevant is, how accurate does that value need to be
  4. The prices seem pretty close to each other so I'm fine with either option. I don't know how much it makes sense to use boutiques at the PSU compared to the local bypass spots, unless Mundorf does something special with their electrolytics
  5. Are the mundorfs similarly priced to the Kemets?
  6. oh that was me I didn't notice the sums at the top...was just trying to see where I could be opportunistic about adding boards. my apologies
  7. the pw led seems to blink constantly if I try to set the timer below 10min...I guess I'll look for some 5 min ones stateside
  8. is it supposed to make robot noises when powering up?
  9. I think kevin mentioned elsewhere the e12 doesn't work
  10. actually with the dirlled holes it needs to have the mounting holes on the short dimension. This will probably work as well, thanks!
  11. As I understand the sheet I need to supply 12V to get it to switch properly. how are you running yours?
  12. A shame there's not even enough to hit the best listed price break, are we going to break mouser's bank
  13. I'm not really familiar with vinyl at all, is the tonearm tension independent of orientation? maybe its successor will be upside down
  14. Anyone know of an ac entry module that is 75mm tall? I have some backplates with pre-made IO but I haven't been able to search through these parts (assuming Schaffner) too easily.
  15. sorry I should have quoted the preceding post, it wasn't intended to work for your needs
  16. for the pi you don't really need anything except mpd if even, and a compatible USB dac. it sounds a little funky but very good performance for what you pay. might want to hold off on the screen and use an mpd phone client to see if you like the results once you get everything set up in cli you typically don't need to access it that way afterward. there are also ssh clients on phones in a pinch
  17. it was because I used an excessively long wire to daisy chain 15v from board to board
  18. impossible to keep up with your progress, not that that's a bad thing When's the DHT amplifier coming out? Will there be a kickstarter?
  19. powered up my kgsshv, one board is fine while the other has the outputs at +vcc. Where should I start looking? One other thing is that the +15V on this board powers up slower than the other, will this affect the output DC? edit: that does seem to the be problem, now it works fine but drifts around quite a bit without the servo. I started listening though so maybe I'll fix this in half a year I haven't listened to a kgsshv in a while, the soundstage is very wide compared to other amplifiers in the lineup. can also kind of see how more bass a la carbon might be welcome
  20. sounds like a job for 2 pots in series with a resistor in parallel, are you actually shooting for 1 ohm? I assume it's something like (Npots*R) || Npots*R1 || ... || Npots*RN Add one resistor in parallel for each pot you add in series to the chain? Sorry if I pulled a dumb in the formulation
  21. is that specifically for stmicro? all the other devices I used have measured around 15 including other units of that same st part. what you guys are saying makes sense though if some manufacturers place an internal load or something
  22. happy birthday birgir, the idea of hotboxing with the cake in the car is very amusing to me. if stax and baking give you lungs inhuman enough to blow out that many candles then I need to learn from your example
  23. birgir really did a great job with the kgst, pretty solid pairing. I'm pretty sure I prefer it to the bhse 009 at this point. as a result I'm still shopping around for carbonv1 cases, but my impatience is starting to get the better of me
  24. speaking of psu components, fuck the stmicro insulated 7915. getting a solid -23v off that shit driven by 18vac
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