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Everything posted by nopants

  1. your question is vague and doesn't make sense. in spite of that like George said it has already been been answered
  2. that's a ton of boards isn't it haha, 8 pcbs?
  3. sounds fine by me, those prices are nice to say the least. is someone officially putting together the cap buy?
  4. I'm also interested in a set if you're willing to do a run, what impedance are you aiming for?
  5. I'm also interested in a set if you're willing to do a run, what impedance are you aiming for?
  6. did you check the tolerances and temperature sensitivity? I think even within the *60 they have several options
  7. nopants

    Beyer T1

    slickdeals comes up with T1 deals that hover around 600
  8. it was a commission
  9. I'll throw in a tkd then, you think that will help both input and output dc? does the input dc even need to be zeroed?
  10. one of my boards can't be adjusted below 1.3v/-.4v, can/should I change r26 to get the values closer to 0? Also getting like 3V input DC, is this normal? Right now I'm floating everything and tying IEC ground to earth, amp boards are taking com from the power one supply (equivalent)
  11. what's the unpopulated 10 ohm spot for?
  12. sure I'll keep it in mind, my first board is going into the dynalo2. I was assuming 20 would also work for the nfb preamp do you need such high voltage ratings for the ksp* parts? putting in a digikey order now to group stuff with the lt1021
  13. thanks for doing this as always, definitely putting these into the preamp between this and the SiC psu's the lt1021 purchases are going to break the bank How much current are those mjw21194 good for without heatsinking? I'm looking up some of the to247 sheets but I don't see the relevant numbers
  14. sure my apologies, wasn't my intention to speak for anyone but myself
  15. I didn't touch anyone you can't pin shit on me but I wasn't being misleading or anything headfi is the place to do that sort of thing. even I take the time to separate certain posts between the two forums because this place is enjoyable and stuff like impressions is kind of the antithesis of that
  16. please don't do this to yourself I'm crying is that what you want
  17. I'm just trying to point you to the right place where people with diarrhea, just like you, are willing to listen I only want to help, diarrhea isn't something you have to go through alone sometimes when I have diarrhea I also take it to headfi, please I'm begging you you're tearing us apart
  18. Yes Lampizator is shit and the Yggdrasil isn't bad, but if you're going to diarrhea different brand names all over the place head-fi might be better suited for waxing poetic. Do you guys have significant collections of DSD music? In all my days as a pirate I have never come across a place to pick up any material in that format.
  19. I've been using newsgroups to get my SACD's, but some of that stuff is ancient so it comes back a corrupted mess. You probably need access to a private tracker in order to get the good stuff
  20. Your reference to lampizator discredits you but I guess I'm not the one whom you're trying to target/trigger with your impressions 100th 10000th post Man fuck that company haha
  21. You can't seriously be using your first post to mention lampizator
  22. loosely related to this amplifier troubleshoot, does anyone have the original headwize articles for the kgss and bh?
  23. Hey Kerry, are you willing to share any of the models you've been using for LTspisce? I'm interested in messing around with this to test out some modifications to the newer KG amplifiers.
  24. How do you determine the ideal bias voltages for your diy headphones? Sound?
  25. can't you keep the text walls to headfi?
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