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Everything posted by nopants

  1. Probably the new 353?
  2. the Yggdrasil to bhse is my reference setup it doesn't have to be on all the time, it's not a make or break difference to say the least
  3. the 500v version only needs to change the ccs devices at the output stage iirc, 450 can use the 1968
  4. lower voltage requirement on the secondary
  5. I have grease but the keratherm conductivity is an order of magnitude higher. Less mess too but I guess that's a secondary concern
  6. What are you guys using for interfacing the brackets? Was looking at Keratherm red but it's almost 100 USD for enough sheets
  7. do you guys think the lr 500 and 700 share the same driver?
  8. can put the dtn/100r on the opposite side. also related, can you use the to92 to220 2540 parts interchangeably? pre cutting the leads usually makes the installation easier not that you needed help
  9. the dht is direct coupled? I thought you said it'd be similar to the megatron, or was that only applicable to the output stage?
  10. I was able to get it out cleanly by slowly rocking it out of place by heating and reheating the joints. I just found out my octal sockets don't fit, does anyone have a link to what they know fits the board? Also looking at the Bakelite sockets, what are the dis/advantages of this over ceramic/teflon?
  11. aren't the mlcc's microphonic?
  12. secondhand, I wasn't sure if the strip alignment was uniform for the whole series. the casing looks pretty shitty too so I should have been more suspicious. fuck what's a good way to desolder these without opting for a second iron? I don't want to fuck up the board too much but I've only one iron at the moment
  13. left is 450v 220u, right is 450v 100u. inu posted some pictures for counterfeit caps, where the negative strip is misaligned. should I throw out the 220u? I soldered a bunch of them to my psu already...
  14. interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. one thing you might want to experiment with is evaluating the effects of the wyrd and regen over longer periods of time when you a/b
  15. the USB input isn't bad but I prefer the audiophilleo2 for longer listening sessions. haven't resigned to abx though. for redbook legato2 is king
  16. if you have a lower trimmer maybe put a resistor in series? just fishing
  17. For KGSSHV duty does this even need heatsinks? How much heat is the package itself good for?
  18. lower noise than the normal 7x15
  19. discharge the drivers and put them in a box with dessicants
  20. board error for v0.4, I crossed the diodes for mine
  21. nothing wrong with the kgst to cover the 009 corner case you'd probably need to audition that on the bh to compare
  22. It's in the thread 360 for 450v
  23. you guys and your crimping are too corporate for me, fight the power
  24. I thought that's what the 009 did under the hood hopefully only 1k or so for a pair, somewhere between the 507 and omega
  25. thanks for suggestions is there a standard way of attaching terminals for the single spots, like the vcc spots, etc? wondering if there's an alternative to directly soldering wires to the board
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