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Everything posted by philodox

  1. Aerius touched on it in his post, but Ori is the one who convinced me to build his piece of shit 'minimalist design' 6H30 tube amp over the KG Bamaslama. So when I read about his 'minimalist approach' on the zhaolu output stage I am a *little* skeptical. Thankfully Peter was able to use most of the parts that I had from the 'Ori Amp' and I wasn't out a ton of money. You obviously had a smooth time in your transactions with Ori. I absolutely did not. After eating up his bullshit for months he finally washed his hands of me and left me hanging with an amp that not only sounded like shit, but was poorly designed and did not fit my needs one bit. He was incredibly condescending throughout the whole experience and would not explain anything. You have no idea how many times I was told to JUST DO IT. Every time I see that jackass post on head-fi with his bolding, underlining and CAPTILIZATION it is all I can do to just leave him be. That aside, he regularily pimps his gear through the Head-Fi PM system and I have no idea why he hasn't been shut down yet. He sells two pricey cables with nearly no explination of their merits and his website is a complete joke. I would probably punch him if I met him in real life... and I'm a pacifist.
  3. Ori is a fucking hack... I've never heard his output stage, but after my personal experience with him I would never recommend him to a friend.
  4. Exactly... BUT STILL.
  5. I'd really like to know what the hell is in there to justify that... KA-RAZY!
  6. I got a nice computer for my aunt recently from Dell. Sempron processor, 1GB of memory, onboard nvidia graphics, msworks package with word, 19" LCD, 'speakers', laserjet printer... came out to $850CDN. And that is including PST, GST and shipping.
  7. I don't think you can cound the SS-1 as one of the current top amps in any category, since it is a one off. Has anyone compared a balanced B22 to a Dynamight? That would be an interesting match up.
  8. Ok, I want to hear the beat off joke...
  9. I'd love to get some of these high dollar balanced amps in the same room with my McAlister... since fixing some of the issues it was having and replacing the tubes it is sounding very nice.
  10. LOL Good point. I'll have to keep that in mind next time.
  11. I don't know if I am necessarily feeling loneliness for the first time, but this second CD is lovely. Some nice instrumental bits.
  12. I listened to the asian/indian one last night and it was pretty nice. Haven't had time to listen to anything tonight as I got home late and had to make dinner. Might get a chance later.
  13. LOL, thanks guys... that was helpfull
  14. So... a friend of mine in Hong Kong sent me 3 CD's out of the blue. Can anyone [chinese speaking] help me find out anything about them? Here are some pictures I took: Information I've been able to gather from the english on the CD's. luohaiying SUPERNATURAL YALA HVII 1675 www.yiren-av.com HUANG Hong-ying Tasting Loneliness for the First Time HVI 1385 www.hugocd.com The Beautiful Grassland is My Home GOLD REMASTER HIII 0873 www.xwx.cn I am listening to 'Supernatural Yala' right now and it is very well recorded... and her voice is very nice. This is a big change for me though, so I'm not quite sure yet if this will be entering my regular rotation. Either way, it is so much fun listening to new music. This made my day after having an especially hectic day at work.
  15. Cool. You coming to the TO meet in July? We might have to have another mini meet before then though... Maybe just invite some of the 'cool kids'? My amp is apparently not a great match for Grado's with its output impedance, but pixelpushers PS1's sure did sound nice on it.
  16. Yes and no. I am sure that your design is superior, but at my listening levels I prefer the PPX3 Slam. I would imagine it is possible to tweak your circuit [maybe even just different tubes] to have more gain though, right?
  17. My Little Pony, Apocalypse Pony!!! [anyone else a robot chicken fan?]
  18. Yeah, that is one NICE looking log.
  19. Where did you get those girly tubes that glow pink?
  20. It doesn't make me hard... but it's close.
  21. Oh man... that would be SO tempting for my slowly developing office rig.
  22. Sounds like McAlister audio...
  23. Are you trying to say that my K340's are stacked? Not surprising I guess... I am a tits and ass guy, why shouldn't that go for headphones as well?
  24. The HP1000 mafia is strong here, man. I'm not going to give any opinions, since I haven't spent enough time with either, but I will say that I enjoy both headphones. Nice analogy Eaphan... I'd like to see you do more headphones as women. What would the K340 be?
  25. What I want to know... is anything about this 'evil' DAC you are cooking up.
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