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Everything posted by philodox

  1. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! *sigh* well, now I know why my post on head-fi got all buggered. Anyways, here is the speedtest...
  2. My work speed is quoted above... lets see what my home connection is like. I think that the B52 and Apache should stay where they are as anyone seeing the site will have a better chance of buying a $5k preamp than a $5k headphone amp... only us nuts on head-fi think that is normal behaviour, and we already know it is a headphone amp. Also, it keeps that dropdown 3 rows thick, if added to the headphone section it would be 5 rows thick.
  3. Happy Birthday Tyll!
  4. I vote for FoTM Amp and FoTM DAC.
  5. Actually, The Sloth didn't like the screen mod either from what I remember. If I ever get a backup pair I'll try throwing the stock screens back on mine, but I love the sound and balance right now, so it might throw things off.
  6. A lot more would have to happen for me to buy a HD650... a LOT more.
  7. hehe, that movie is great.
  8. butbutbut... we can EnABL mine!
  9. Well, I'd say chick #2 since I'm pretty sure she is your girlfriend... also, it might be the helmet, but chick #1 has some issues with her face. I'm also pretty sure you need to be past the 'chick' stage before you get married.
  10. We need to ENABLE! our K340's Eaphan!!!! Set it up!
  11. LOL, not sure how I missed that on the first read.
  12. I haven't even heard the L3000 and that is the way I'd go if I had the cash at the moment... damn FOTM.
  13. philodox


    I think that soda sounds worse personally, I guess it just depends on what you are used to.
  14. Cool, I'd love to cryo my tubes and cables.
  15. Oh, that is awesome... I am 100% on coming if it is in Chi Town this year. If Kevin is there with his freezit stuff that will make it even more fun.
  16. Well, I don't know about the RAM mods, but that DV-980H looks like the perfect player for me once I make the switch to HI Definition for my 'home theater'. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. You just need to cover all those wires up in ERS paper so that she can't see them!
  18. 12 channel is clearly better than 6 channel... sounds good to me.
  19. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=253503 Jeezus... a natural V shaped EQ and you need to ram pieces of power cord into the earcups to make them fit properly! Themz some good headfones!
  20. I'm with Dusty, upgrade your nuts man...
  21. Oops, with all that quoting I got Nate and Jay mixed up. My bad. Periods be fo suckahs y'all! Respeck!
  22. Ouch, fair enough.
  23. I used an exclamation point, which shows more enthusiasm. You used a period. Exclamation FTW!
  24. Happy Birthday Todd!
  25. Good impressions, but coming from two PS-1 fanboys.
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