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Everything posted by philodox

  1. I like them both for looks, very different looking though IMO.
  2. I didn't argue anything, I predicted.
  3. Out of postjacks Dynahi I am predicting that the VTGs will be the ones covered in shit... assuming his pair are the 'middle ground' version. I'm interested in seeing what he thinks of them in relation to the rest of his lineup.
  4. Yeah, if you can find one of those in decent shape! EDIT: Also, remember, I bought my first pair of unmodded good condition K340's for $120 shipped. My second pair was NOS and modded to the tits, which is what pushed it into $500-$1000 territory.
  5. Ummm, ok, well enough people who have a reasonable level of knowledge and experience in the hobby paired with decent gear then? I wish less people did like them, would make getting a backup pair much cheaper.
  6. I think that enough people other than me like them to rule that out.
  7. Could be, or personal preferences, or who knows...
  8. All of which? I've never heard the VTG, but the other woody ATs I've heard get completely spanked by the K340s.
  9. ...from Todd.
  10. Belmont I neeeeed to quit. I really don't understand why my willpower is so low for this, given all the other drugs I've quit in the past.
  11. Yeah, my opinion of you went WAY down the first time I read that. Me too, though mine unfortunately cost more than that.
  12. LOL, I'm not suggesting that you do. The M3 is a decent amp for the K340's, certainly better than the Melos. As for the L3000s, I know, just talkin' shit.
  13. It gets piped right from Patrick82s house I think.
  14. That's probably enough voltage swing anyways. I think you should try 220volt though, might give you a bit more bass slam!
  15. I'm not apologizing for anything, I just can't imagine an Audio Technica sounding better than the K340s! And correct me if I'm wrong, were you using the Melos to drive the K340s? If so, no wonder, that thing blows hard with them...
  16. Bah, in your system maybe.
  17. Oh GOD! My wife has been doing that, "Mah Pokemans, let me show you them." thing CONSTANTLY for the last month. So irritating, and not funny after the second time...
  18. Must be nice to be able to edit your post. Damn admins.
  19. Yeah, I mainly just found his description funny... and my 'good deal' comment was sarcastic.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.ca/AKG-Electrostatic-Dynamic-System-headphones-SUPER-SOUND_W0QQitemZ280141121332QQihZ018QQcategoryZ40137QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Looks like a good deal.
  21. I doubt he had received them yet, given when jpak listed them... or do they live close to eachother?
  22. It is quite possible I am getting the 6922 confused with another tube.
  23. oops, sorry for the bad advice, someone told me they were very similar at some point.
  24. It was my favourite amp at the first national with my K340s. Also, you could try the 6BQ7A/6BZ7 in place of the 6922 as it is basically just a higher gain, cheaper, and some say better sounding version of that tube. Not sure about the Luna, as I didn't try it with Grados, but my amp is just fine with Grados and K340's and only has 24 steps.
  25. Nice K340's postjack! Also, I know nothing about pens, but the one with the abalone looks sorta girly...
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