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Everything posted by philodox

  1. This is headcase, where is your thick skin. You know what I mean, I'm not going to have an argument about semantics. Here, let me call you the waaambulance... dick.
  2. No, actually, I said: "Unless you are a dick and try to make money off of your used purchases, that shouldn't be a problem"
  3. I don't, thanks. Even so, it is useful to give a general idea of the selling price. I often have no idea what a piece of equipment is going for when I create a for sale thread. I find it helpful when people leave the price in the thread and rather frustrating when they take it out. I also try to sell to the first legitimate reply rather than giving the item to the highest bidder. If I wanted an auction I would use ebay. But to each his own, I'm not trying to hold some higher moral ground here or tell people how they should conduct their sales. I just think that removing the price from a for sale thread is pointless.
  4. Well, in general, you can't delete the prices in threads where you are the buyer... How is deleting the price for the buyer a courtesy? This is what makes no sense to me. What it is though, is a discourtesy to everyone who views the thread afterwards and wants to know what they sold for. A reply saying 'Sold, thanks for looking.' or an update to the original post noting that the item has sold works just as well as removing the price.
  5. Ummm, I hope she doesn't have one...
  6. I disagree, but understand your stance on this. I'm certainly no communist, but I do believe in being fair. Obviously everyone has different ideas of what being fair is. Even if you want to sell something for more than you paid for it, I fail to see why you would want to hide that by editing it out. Unless you are guilty of course. Commie.
  7. Baggage? Unless you are a dick and try to make money off of your used purchases, that shouldn't be a problem. I just think it is lame, and frustrating... makes finding the value of an item difficult when you have to wade through a bunch of threads that just say $OLD.
  8. Just curious, but why do people do that!? I hate it when the price gets edited out.
  9. The one with the less bass and better soundstage sounds like the better candidate, but it is a personal preference really.
  10. Man, now I've got RS-1 withdrawal. I would have felt better if I lost out on the deal to a newbie who would really appreciate it, but that guy has a Zanden, 2 K1000s, etc and just bought a pair of UE11's... definately could afford the RS-1 at its purchase price if he wanted to. Me, well, I'd get my nuts handed to me from the wife.
  11. YEAH! That sounds like fun.
  12. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=256972
  13. Damn Looks like foo_me got them.
  14. Hmmm... not looking good, he has posted a pending in the thread and I haven't received a PM. I'm pretty sure I was the first one to get back to him as after sending the PM, I refreshed the forum and the view count for the thread was 2. He may have just gone with the highest offer or someone in the US though, who knows.
  15. I'll take that before TV, but the after is very nice...
  16. Yeah, I am freaking out. I hope that he sticks to that price, as I've wanted the RS-1's for quite a while and just plain can't afford them.
  17. LOL, well it is in the headphones forum.
  18. holyshitholyshitholyshit, freaking out, hyperventilating... fingers crossed [more later, you can guess if you'd like though]
  19. Like I said, I looked for a split second. Good to know though, I can stop feeling sorry for the girl.
  20. I hope that is fake or paint, didn't look long enough to see for sure.
  21. lol, well you can use it for wiring an amp or making some IC's I guess.
  22. Reuse the wire bitch!
  23. Damn straight!
  24. Vodka sucks. Hey Matt, long time no see, when the fuck are you going to make it out to another Hamilton/Toronto meet!? You've been missed.
  25. Yeah, too bad I drank the rest. It can be substituted into any recipe that calls for sherri as well I believe.
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