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Everything posted by philodox

  1. I don't think a gain of 2/4 would cut it for me with the K340's considering my old dynahi had a gain of 10 and I was usually around 12 oclock...
  2. Ummm... but there is a LOT of other stuff that is different about your CD player and Biggies, no? And I would think that the Simaudio Eclipse is significantly different than a modded TEAC.
  3. Neither do I, my 24 step singlepower stepped attenuator is great.
  4. If I ever get a singlepower amp made I will probably go with something other than blackgates [maybe elna silmic IIs or something similar], V-Caps [or something comparible] and the upgraded iron. It seems to me that upgrading a transformer down the road would be a much bigger pain in the ass than upgrading caps. I also think that the upper strata of caps is more than likely a little overrated. I'd also love him to build it in one of the old toaster style enclosures. Am I the only one that prefers them that way?
  5. For DHL I always get them to send it to work. I usually get it in a couple of days regardless of where it is being sent from [China, etc] and I've never had to pay a fee. Definitely my favorite courier based on personal experience.
  6. Do you really like the HE60 Nate? I heard Tyrions at the first national and wasn't really too impressed with it. They guys are right that you would be wanting to replace that amp pretty damn quick... and you love the Wheatfield. I'd say no personally. I mean, it seems like they come up for sale fairly often... so you could always explore that route later on.
  7. I seriously hope it is faked... poor cat.
  8. Still upset I missed out on those $205 RS-1's.
  9. It's a pain in the ass since the AKG rep is so hard to get ahold of. I don't have the info since I always get swt61 to place my orders, but I'm sure someone in here does. Might be worth your while to order a K501 headband as well, they look and feel a lot nicer IMO.
  10. Yeah, I know what you meant. With my amp and the K340's it usually is at around 12 oclock, but on certain recordings can get as high as 3-4 oclock. With grados, it is more like 9-10 oclock and up to 12 with some. So, still completely usable for any headphone. I just threw in the 'wuss' thing in keeping with the spirit of this forum.
  11. Well, unless you're a wuss, if you configure your rig to sound good with K340's, it will still sound great with any other dynamic headphone. ..save perhaps the K1000, but I think it is pretty much given that those require a power amp or transformer output to sound their best.
  12. Yes and no. The tracking is best at the middle point on the pot. So unless you can always listen to the amp at max and somehow still be at exactly the right volume [which would mean you likely only have one headphone and one type of music you listen to], it is better to be in the middle.
  13. LOL, too funny. I'll take a spool of the Brown wire and the Orange wire... and if you don't give me the Orange wire, I'll talk to your Mom.
  14. please, tell me where to get this wire
  15. I want 13 tubes in mine.
  16. Or you could just PM looser101 and he can tell you how to tweak the current boards.
  17. Yeah, my point or question was more that the Elna Silmic II's are really good and I wonder if the Blackgates are at all better. These are both good caps. I've been thinking about overhauling the PSU on the MA as well, so any info people have would be helpful.
  18. I wonder if the blackgates are any better than the elna silmic II's... or if anyone has bothered to try.
  19. Now that might look nice... the shiny iridescent opal on the bloodwood looks distinctly girly, which is where my comment came from.
  20. Nice to see you here boomana... I've always liked your pair, though I likely would have done without the mother of pearl for silly man-reasons. I love the burned in text on the stand and I like the idea of the text on the cups, I just wonder if a smaller font might not look better. Either way, they are a beautiful pair of K340s. EDIT: "I've always liked your pair" - Man, that sounds really bad.
  21. Nice pictures, and I love the look of your rig. I can only imagine how good it sounds.
  22. No. That is not the way that I meant it, and I have clarified what I meant multiple times since then. True, then what is this talk of baggage and editing out the price as a courtesy to the buyer? As for 'what it's worth', that has got to be the biggest joke in audio. People generally try to get what they paid for an item or more. How the fuck does that make sense!? I don't think I am a communist for recognizing that items depreciate through use. If it is a collectors item with some rarity, fine, that is different. This is all besides the point though, as my argument was that I don't see a need to remove the price from for sale threads. I find it useful to be able to refer to those prices and get frustrated when I do a search and find a bunch of threads with it removed. You have decided to pick apart one poorly worded [and poorly read] comment of mine and completely derailed what I was talking about. Now it seems like you are just trying to piss me off for the sake of it, so I'm going to bow out here.
  23. Wow, way to talk me around in circles. I guess a recap is in order. _________________________________________________ You - So that the buyer can sell it later without having the baggage of what they paid being part of the equation. Me - Baggage? Unless you are a dick and try to make money off of your used purchases, that shouldn't be a problem. You - How is looking to sell for what something is worth being a dick, commie? Me - Even if you want to sell something for more than you paid for it, I fail to see why you would want to hide that by editing it out. Unless you are guilty of course. Commie. You - I could care less whether people know the price I paid when I sell... ...As a seller, I do it as a courtesy to the buyer. Me - I just think that removing the price from a for sale thread is pointless. You - But you didn't say pointless, you said the person doing it was a dick. You/Me - Argue, getting nowhere. _________________________________________________ Ok, so what are we talking about again? Oh yeah, editing the price out of your for sale thread after the fact. Please reread this exchange in that light. My 'unless you are a dick' comment was obviously replying to you speaking of the 'baggage of what they paid'. If you want to sell something for less than you paid, fine, but hiding that information seems dishonest to me. I understand that some products increase in value over time and have no issue with someone selling their PS-1 for more than they bought it for. I do have issue with someone getting a sweet deal off of a generous seller and then turning around and profiteering off of a gullible buyer. By removing the asking price from a thread you are enabling people to be dishonest. Since I can't see any other reason to do so, I find it strange that people follow this practice. I guess if there wasn't a 5 minute edit window and I could change my post for clarification it would read: "Unless you are a dick and try to make money off of your used purchases while keeping others in the dark, that shouldn't be a problem." Is that clear? I don't care if you agree, but do you understand what I mean?
  24. They weren't fighting words, you misread what I said... and are for some reason continuing to act as if you don't know what I meant. I hope you're having fun with this. It's getting a little old over here.
  25. It sure sounds like it with your 'be nice' speech.
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