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Everything posted by philodox

  1. Nope. That's why I'm not worried. I mean, unless you are a jackass or a n00b a feedback thread is pretty useless.
  2. Sweet, that's what I like to hear.
  3. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  4. Not in this case, no.
  5. Nope, bad intuition. That picture was great. Pure Billy genius.
  6. He's just a kid, sheesh.
  7. Good question... I say you register and find out. Oh wait, maybe you did. It says that their latest member is 'PrettyPrincess'.
  8. LOL, that is exactly the analogy I always make for American money.
  9. $500 in USD currency. Man, this looks like fake money compared to what I'm used to. Though, I'm sure Americans think the same when they have Canadian bills.
  10. A balanced Aikido could be nice too, but I'm not sure on the parts cost there.
  11. I would. ...then again, I haven't heard your amp recently. So who knows.
  12. Well, its not going to be $300, but if I wanted a balanced amp for the K340's on the cheap... I'd get one of the DIY'ers [n_maher, jbloudg20, etc] to build me a balanced VanOTL or whatever it is called.
  13. Take them apart and clean them, just be careful. If you get some hair elastics [scunci brand work well], you can probably easily fix the headband fit problem. If you ever make an AKG order for the velours, order a leather K501 headband as well. I found that the fit improves using this vs. the stock one. Congrats, and enjoy your tweaking. RE: retermination... I can't remember if the two grounds are joined at the headphone or at the plug. If your t-amp isn't happy with the grounds being tied together [mine wasn't], you may need to recable the headphone entirely if they combine the grounds at the headphone side.
  14. Sounds like you need a $5000+ K340 rig. That's the only way you're going to get that K501 sound, but with better bass.
  15. Well, I haven't heard the Zana Deux, but I've heard one of the older and cheaper Eddie Current tube amps [Mike, what was the model number?] and I'd say that unless you just REALLY like the sound signature of the Raptor, the Zana will stomp it into the ground. Just a guess though, of course.
  16. I posted a little RSA blurb in another thread... would link it, but I can't seem to locate it. Anyways... The Balanced Max and the Luna are both many orders of magnitude better than the Apache. Even though I've never heard these three amps side by side, I feel confident in saying this. One thing I will say is that I prefer the Apache to the B52, both with my K340's and Rays R10's. It actually isn't a half bad K340 amp. Both headphones sounded much better on my amp, though it would be hard to tell from the Ontario meet impressions. Everyone was so enamored with Rays stuff... it was like mass hypnotism or something. Ray is a shrewd businessman, and a genuinely likable guy in person. Though I'd never buy one of his amps, I don't wish him any ill will.
  17. Or you could try listening on the toilet.
  18. There are a bunch of ways you can do it, though most of the 'commercial' balanced headphone amps don't bother due to cost. I didn't both with mine since the whole point of a balanced rig is that it be balanced from start to finish. I may build a little unbalanced to balanced converter at some point to use with my computer rig, but it is definately not a priority. As for all the RSA talk... The apache and the B52 are not TERRIBLE sounding amps. I'd even say they are high end relative to a lot of the other stuff out there. High end has more to do with the cost and target market anyways. Now, are they good high end? No. Based on their MSRP and their general design you can do a lot better. Now, if they took the guts from either and put them in a simple case and charged a reasonable amount for them [marked them up 50% lets say]... I think you'd see a lot less people bitching.
  19. The RS-2 is junk and the RS-1 doesn't quite reach the top? I've yet to hear the RS-2's myself, but I'll keep that in mind. What is it that made them so much worse for you? I can see placing the PS-1's above the RS-1's, but in an entirely different category? What is it that the PS-1's have that give them that extra edge in your mind? Also, on that front, did you find the RS-1 and MS-Pro to be very similar? A few of us compared them at a recent meet and found them to be nearly identical.
  20. Not a big fan of how that one looks. \
  21. I've never heard of one actually dieing, so until then I will call it a rumour.
  22. Either way it is in the analog domain as long as CD/PRE is selected.
  23. The Capitole MKI remote control can attenuate the volume in the Analog domain or in the Digital domain. If you press CD, the remote will affect the internal digital volume control, but if you press CD/PRE, the remote will be affecting the internal analog volume control. It is much better (sounding) to use the analog volume control. The front panel kob always controls the volume in the Analog domain. The LCD remote control that some owners chose for the MKI has less functionality than the plastic remote control and does not have the capability to chose CD or CD/PRE. The Capitole MKII remote control can only attenuate the volume in the Analog domain. If you press CD, the remote will not be able to control the volume, but if you press CD/PRE, the remote will be affecting the analog volume control. ...or at least, according to my google search.
  24. That's an unsubstantiated rumour. I wouldn't worry about it.
  25. Somebody dead inside?
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