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Everything posted by philodox

  1. It's ok, not everyone has taste.
  2. BEEFY
  3. That's TRS and pigtail.
  4. I'm tempted, but I think I want to wait for Mario Kart Wii.
  5. The 'daily' warm up could very well be this, but the longer warmup after they haven't been used for an extended period of time is clearly something else.
  6. When I first looked at it I though, damn a 6 tube single ended amp... sweet! But then I saw the magic eye tubes, wtf? What is the point?
  7. I wasn't really meaning 'cover your ass' in a legal sense [though I think Sennheiser would try to respond if someone made a HE90 clone] but in how their headphone is perceived.
  8. Anyone know if there are any good racing games for the Wii yet?
  9. Holy shit, I just spit tea.
  10. I guess it is just different usage. I plan on taking advantage of all the free resources and loading the thing up. I don't expect I will spend much time daily updating it.
  11. I don't know the science, but I agree with Renato. I've noticed that if you leave them for a while they need a good couple of hours to get back into shape. I find that, in general, a half hour or so brings them up to peak performance once they are in regular use.
  12. I'm sure he has put a lot of work into this, but not admitting to it being reverse engineered could just be a way of covering his ass. Now, I don't know this guy, and I'm not trying to say he is untrustworthy, but it is possible.
  13. Happy Birthday Buddy!
  14. This is a retarded poll, but I voted for 12+. I only say it is retarded because every amp will have different gain at different settings with different headphones, and not all sources output the same voltage to begin with. Knowing what you turn the knob to tells you absolutely nothing.
  15. Really!? You think you're going to be out somewhere with no access to a computer and just really NEED to buy a new book from amazon? I just don't see it. The subscription feature is cool, but it's not like you can't subscribe to e-Mags normally. All you'd need to do is setup a daily download or try and setup a simple synch to the device.
  16. Oh, I see. I'm not completely sure, but I think that by hooking up the headphones while playing music through the power amp/speakers would really mess with some things since they are both using the same circuit. Kind of like when you plug two headphones into the same amp and the impedance gets chopped in half. If you'd like to see pics of the internals, send me a PM. Kevin Gilmore posted them up on here at some point, but I'm not sure what thread they are in. It should make you feel better about the shape of yours, as I'm betting mine was worse.
  17. There are always exceptions to the rule. I think it is more likely, in this case, that Jay is just in a bitchy mood.
  18. Me too, no joking there.
  19. DRM, twice as thick as the competition, weighs more, has a useless keyboard, wireless is basically useless, looks like a bunch of birds shit it out. I can't understand why anyone would choose the Kindle over the Cybook Bookeen.
  20. I didn't find them that way when I owned them, but who knows. People change.
  21. Though I really like the banner, the icon just looks meh.
  22. Cool, I'll check those out. I really like 'The Capitol Automatic' on the Nixon page.
  23. Nice, now where do I sell my kidney?
  24. What, no $750 EH-1.2's?
  25. It very well could be, but so far folks seem to be leaning the other way.
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