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Everything posted by philodox

  1. The more I've been reading about him, the more I think I need to check some of his stuff out. I don't feel bad about not knowing who he is, was just being difficult.
  2. Doesn't look sloppy to me. Nice amp buddy!
  3. Vince, come on, you don't need that Audio Technica shite. Don't believe the hype.
  4. Ummm, my amp puts out some decent current... it is certainly optimized for voltage swing, but no slouch in driving Grado's and the like.
  5. What's your problem? He is allowed to censor a sponsored thread. Start a new thread in one of the public forums.
  6. Interesting, now I just need to find someone to lend me a bass shy R10. That should be easy.
  7. Oh, they scale. I love that word.
  8. We're talking about a vintage RS-1. Reks - Yeah, that struck me funny too. I appraise my pocket lint at $100. Any takers? $150 if you want it cryogenically treated.
  9. Hmmm, didn't seem difficult at all to drive when I heard it at the TO meet. Not sure if Ray has the bass light or bass heavy version though. Then again, I was listening on the B52, the apache and my amp, so I don't *really* have any clue how hard they are to drive... The B52 and apache may not be stellar designs, but they put out a fair amount of voltage swing and current AFAIK. I guess I was just under the impression that they weren't that hard to drive... As for them being the hardest headphone to drive... I take it you don't have much experience with the K340 or K1000?
  10. Damn, sorry to hear about your Wii troubles Salty.
  11. Just got ManHunt2 from a friend for my B-day... Makes a good change of pace for Mario and SoulCalibur.
  12. Well, I think $1750 is pretty rediculous as well, but apparently he has a $1600 offer on the table and they were 'appraised' at around that price. Whatever, if someone pays that much they're getting skey-rewwed!
  13. Oh, my bad. Everything I had read about sanding them was to cut down on reflections... I figured that those CD cutter machines had the same goal.
  14. I'd love to get a vintage set at some point which is why I PM'ed him, but at that price, I'd save a bit more money and get a PS-1.
  15. There is a vintage RS-1 on head-fi right now, but the guy wants $1750 for it! Craaazy.
  16. No, it's not to make them rounder, but to roughen up the edges. Not that I believe it works or anything, just saying.
  17. I've always pronounced it Jay Pee Nums.
  18. There must have been something wrong with that amp... I mean, the R10's aren't even all that hard to drive. Even so, with the R10's being a relatively easy load, he would have to listen at levels that would make MY ears bleed... and I'd have to hear that to believe it.
  19. I agree, it is super fun. Having a hard time getting the wife into it as she distrusts anything 3D, but I'll keep trying until I hook her.
  20. Bah, maybe he was influential and I should know about him and don't, but there is no way he is one of the most famous people from Canada.
  21. Well, he's famous. But 'one of the most'? Come on...
  22. Oh, you mean THAT Glenn. Sure, I know him. He lives just down the street. I had no idea he was a musician.
  23. I don't even think the material has potential. I'm also getting sick of artists that are complete train wrecks and reveling it in. Can't we have good role models that are also talented? Too much to ask?
  24. Oh fuck yeah, coldplay is shite. Good call.
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