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Everything posted by philodox

  1. Waitaminnut... it doesn't have an optical drive!?!? That's dumb.
  2. You might be right, all I know is that he has this external drive that is 1Tb, it's called 'Time Something', and it backs up his OS and allows him to turn his iMac into a pimped out Delorean...
  3. My dad has time capsule and loves it. That macbook air looks pretty cool, though I found a spelling mistake on their page, "So thin yet so expansive." ...that's expensive Apple, sheesh. [j/k] If I was to buy one, I'd definately put in the extra cash and get a solid state drive. How cool would that be?
  4. Trust me, if you count Legends, it is the let down of the series...
  5. Legends was such a let down, but this one looks pretty cool.
  6. Wow, fitz looks a lot like me when he's giving you the finger and covering up his face.
  7. MAN I fuckn want one of these things, like woah.
  8. We aren't?
  9. LOL, he was joking with the Grado thing... and that is his collection. He bought an AKG sign.
  10. I don't even have an application for the Pico at the moment, yet I want one. I do have an idea on how I could use one... but it would require further expenses. *sigh*
  11. I'm glad I'm not a fanboy of anything.
  12. If I remember correctly from my squeezeboxen days, you can also disable the volume control through slimserver which does the same thing [0db attenuation, 'true' line out]. I would imagine this would work with the SB3 and the transporter.
  13. Oh, they quoted the text and posted it in the head-fi thread? I got the Stereophile link from that forum that Postjack linked to earlier. Apple is really kicking ass in the audiophile sector lately with the Duet and the iTransport. I still prefer spinning CDs, but I can definately see the value of having 160GB of lossless music on an iPod that can be your portable and home source [or at least one of your home sources]. Id be interested in seeing internal pics. Would be cool if they made a linear PSU for the iPod.
  14. Posted verbatim eh? I suppose I could have changed a number or letter, but then the link wouldn't work, would it? Anyways, was it posted here? I just read the thread here and it seems like you guys are under a few misconceptions on how the iTransport works. Thought this link might be helpful to some.
  15. Did someone say naked girls? Go for Stax I guess... those others you mentioned suck. Welcome to Headcase btw.
  16. In case you guys missed this... http://www.stereophile.com/news/010408wadia/
  17. Nice, that's the one I've heard. Is it better than your other zapfiltered zhaolu?
  18. ooooh, more earbuds... just what we need.
  19. Happy Birthday Renato!
  20. Can't say I've gotten gas from beer... then again, I have no idea what DFH is/means.
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