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Everything posted by JoaMat

  1. Thanks for info. I think I’m abandoning the idea of building an ordinary (through hole components) PSU now. Excellent achievements, Kerry.
  2. I guess it’s R13 that sets the current. Which resistance do use and what current do you get?
  3. Recovering in sick bed today. Digging around in Tidal with Roon. Found this.
  4. Oh no - it’s just short stop along the road…
  5. The original DIY T2 I just finished sounds outstanding . Now, I don’t want to compare the mini T2 with The Famuos DIY T2 - which I believe is the ultimate electrostatic amplifier a DIYer can build. But I’m very happy with the outcome of the mini T2. All heaters are AC.
  6. Half a year ago I promised to build a new original DIY T2. Now it’s done. After some difficulties with left channel and PSU she is playing as an original DIY T2 does!!! Thinking of retire and feeding ducks. No more modifications to an amplifier that can’t be improved. …never trust an addict
  7. Nice! Have been thinking about the selector for a while… now I think I know its purpose.
  8. Happy Birthday, Birgir!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Happy Birthday, Kerry!
  11. or 4093 - used by Stax, Kerry and myself.
  12. Thanks for feedback. Those diaphragms in the picture were much more stretched then the previous I‘ve made. Seems I’ve to keep on trying to make diaphragms with the right tension.
  13. I’ve retested and I got about the same results. Also tested a pair of SR-007 mk2 and then I got graphs more like your Orpheus Clone and 007mk1. I’m very satisfied with the bass, well not as good as 009S but good for my DIY headphone. I’ve tried different diaphragms and some of them are terrible, but I actually manage to do some better. Another thing is that my home made phones are not as sensitive as Stax and the diaphragms need time to charge. They start soft and after half an hour or so the sound reach it’s max. Here is how I stretch the Mylar film. 12 inch inner tube and Scotch Magic tape.
  14. Wow magnificent! Nascent Audio?
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Today a miniDSP EAR arrived. Have made some measurements and I got the below graphs. I just followed the manual but I'm not sure how to interpret the outcome…
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