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Everything posted by oldshoe

  1. I wrote to Grado about my concerns, and they assured me in warm and friendly terms that I would like them. Imagine getting a reply from Beyer or Sennheiser: "Dear sir or madam, It has come to the attention of our PR department that you are questioning the quality of the XYZ product we make. Be advised that your concerns are a top priority at ______ Corporation, and our engineers are smarter than you anyway, so piss off."
  2. Metallic noise or metallic SQ?
  3. You didn't really want the pink edition now, did you?
  4. Hey peeps - got a Shure 940 -wtf - this thing can burn yr fuckin ears. Bright as a motherfucker. Still good for dull stuff. Havent searched around lately. Goddamned lazy ya know.
  5. oldshoe

    Forum rules

    You're welcome to believe what you want but I have just this account, period. My interest was solely to compare your written policy with your actual practice. I will assume your written policy was disinformation.
  6. oldshoe

    Forum rules

    I noticed that along with being foul, you guys pretend to have hurt feelings about this, along with being too dumb to know who MOM is. Ask the guy from Montana. What a bunch of poseurs
  7. oldshoe

    Forum rules

    You guys are pottymouths. Looks like MOM didn't raise you right.
  8. oldshoe

    Forum rules

    Just as long as we're all clear on who we are, dudes.
  9. oldshoe

    Forum rules

    I see in the forum rules that there are no "profane" posts allowed, but then I saw elsewhere where one or more members said "Fuck this, or fuck that - I'll do as I goddamn well please", words to that effect. So would that be a violation of the rules? If this was a legitimate site then it probably would be a violation, yes? The only reason I ask is because a friend of mine, Bob Fletcher, had his company taken over by the CIA so it was no longer legitimate and there was a lot of profanity.
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