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Everything posted by Spectator

  1. You got banned?
  2. It is okay. The variety of maps is lacking. The respawn time is long. The game is still fun.
  3. Billy, you continuously demonstrate yourself to be a rather uneducated person. Please grow up. At the moment, every word that comes out of your mouth just proves how childish you are.
  4. Furutech Rhodium Male XLR pairs retail for around $150 USD. Xhadow Male XLR pairs retail for $110 to $120 USD.
  5. Markl sold his R10 because of the D5000? Is he insane? Actually, I know the answer already. He always has been insane with his blatant Rudistor fanboyism mentality. The D5000 is nothing to be excited about. At least it is miles ahead of some of the shit out there however. Yes, I'm looking straight at the Ultrasone Edition 9.
  6. What a joke. I simply cannot comprehend the stupidity and abomination with which this man conducts his business. I question the mentality of those who treat Ray as a friend and stand by his products. I would love to hear an answer.
  7. I stand corrected. Thanks for the correction.
  8. It is not a good idea to use eyeglass cleaner on LCD monitors.
  9. There are actually still many people who are interested in buying those abominable pieces of shit. Just because there are a few on sale doesn't mean the FOTM is over.
  10. Judging from what you say and own, I'm taking it that you are at least informed and intelligent. As for rationality, there are many forms. Though you may not consider yourself to be rational in certain aspects, you are at least rational in way some individuals such as Mr. Rose are not.
  11. He wasn't shouting but obviously you were because you believed there was a shouting match occurring. Those who respect n_maher are those who are rational, informed, and intelligent. They certainly would not have a problem with n_maher being as honest and sensible as he has always been on Head-Fi. The feud is the result of your inability to realize your own stupidity. You ballyhoo not the product but the manufacturer and supplementary mindset in this case. RSA bashing results from a hatred for Ray's history of underhanded business tactics, impudent arrogance, flaunting of derivative designs that demonstrate poor engineering, and most importantly, narcissistic RSA followers who are blind to the facts and unable to accept any criticism of their religion. It would be best for the community if you were selfish and kept your gear to yourself.
  12. Mr. Rose, you are truly deserving of being labeled as an asshat extraordinaire. I have come to realize that calling you a hopeless asinine imbecile is an understatement. No one needs you to shill your moronic Ray Samuels Audio or Red Wine Audio pieces of rotting feces on the Internet.
  13. Ditto. What is up with that? I keep seeing these piss-poor advertisements on Audiogon and Head-Fi. Even with obscure gear. Do they expect us to be interested and do the research when all we see is a single punctuation-less sentence in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS? "BUYER PAYS SHIPPING AND PAYPAL FEES NO TIRE KICKERS OR LOWBALLERS." No pictures.
  14. It's another piece of shit made by Ray. It's about $50 dollars in parts depending on how much that enclosure cost him. It's a craptacular, derivative design. It sounds like crap compared to almost all commercial non-portable amplifiers, a number of commercial portable amplifiers, and any DIY amplifier, portable or non, near its price. SR-71 is respectable. As for the Aria, it's okay. I'll actually put it at just mediocre. Thin, dry, bright, somewhat shrill, lifeless, etc. Still respectable however. It's Meier. That is what is expected.
  15. I'll go ahead and say this thread is retarded.
  16. Immature vs. Asinine.
  17. Good work HeadAmp. Hopefully the choices of DAC and OPAMP are okay. I'm guessing the DAC is a delta/sigma? I think R-2R DACs are better, but I guess those are a little more complex (not too much) to implement than desired here since you will need to deal with a separate upsampler. I'm still waiting for someone to make a portable upsampling R-2R DAC. That would kick arse. Oh, I'm making assumptions again. Damn it.
  18. Spectator


    Thanks. I don't care for the Grado signature, but at least I know a good headphone when I hear one. I consider the RS-1 to be a headphone with some great points. I can see people liking it.
  19. Spectator


    Fucking blasphemy. Weren't you the one who thinks the K701 matches up to the K1000 and even beats it in some areas? Amazing.
  20. Spectator


    The GS1000 is absolute crap for the money in my opinion. Its sound is heavily flawed.
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