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John D.

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Everything posted by John D.

  1. Vinyl
  2. Grey Cardas
  3. Gregory Issacs & Roots Radics Roxy - Calif. 1982-08-21 Late Show SBD
  4. All Vinyl ZZ Top - Fandango (Warner Bros.) Van Halen - Van Halen (Warner Bros.) Rickie Lee Jones - Rickie Lee Jones (Warner Bros.) Warren Zevon - Warren Zevon (Rhino Vinyl) Jimmi Hendrix - Axis Bold As Love (Classic Records mono) 200 gram Issac Hayes - Hot Buttered Soul - MoFi Townes Van Zandt - Delta Momma Blues (fat possum) M. Ward - Hold Time
  5. I would suggest you audition a Rega Apollo or Saturn. When I bought mine, the dealer let me take it home to listen with my system for a few days. This is my 2nd Rega CDP, and I like them.
  6. I just bought a Cowon D2 that I play flac files on, so far I'm very impressed. Cowon D2 - iAudiophile.net Forums
  7. Just received yesterday the new WHO Vinyl, Amazing Journey double LP. Only problem is the first LP was warped pretty bad, and side B was on both sides. anyone here have the same problem?
  8. Just purchased 2 round trip tickets to Berlin, my wallets a lot flatter now
  9. My Dell 19 inch monitor finally bit the dust this morning, went out and bought an LG 22 inch wide screen, Great monitor
  10. I've had an OPPO 970 for about a year now. I use it only for audio, no video, listen to SACD, DVD-A and HDCD with it. I talked to an OPPO rep and he recommended the 970 for audio only play. I have no complaints, sounds nice. Cheers, JD
  11. About 80 deg. in So. Calif. today, have the fan going right now, and it's 5:30 and getting dark.
  12. new cartridege for my turntable: Audio Technica AT440MLa
  13. postjack Thanks for the info, although this not what I wanted to hear I seriously kicked around the thought of subscribing to the new Blue Note series, I decided against it. I''m going to wait for individual reviews and select some purchases wisely. Sad to hear about the quality of the Dolphy release, would definitely like to see some fine remastered vinyl of his released.
  14. Very interested in hearing your impressions on this Hoffman series. Let us know what you think when you get a chance to listen to this initial release. I'd like to have some of these myself, actually I'd like to have the whole series of 63 albums.
  15. Cassettes are just as good or better if you dub with a good deck, specifically Nakamichi cassette decks!!!! That being said, I have a Technics Turntable and a Nak cassette deck. Most of my listening now is with a Rega Apollo CD player thru a SinglePower EXTREME and HD-650 headphones. I'm just getting lazy I guess, It's a lot of work flipping records
  16. It's gonna be another beautiful day here in So. Calif. Suns shining in my kitchen window! weather forcast today hi of 66 low of 41 Headed out the door right now to wash my truck
  17. been chipping away at this one since summer
  18. Just bought a new roll up garage door with opener.
  19. Mothers Of Invention
  20. Grateful Dead ;D Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
  21. I bought an OPPO DV-970 just for audio playback. I talked to a rep at OPPO and this is the model they recommended at the time for my needs. I use it only for SACD, HDCD and DVD-A I'm happy with it, had it for about a year now.
  22. People seem to be less uptight over here
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