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Everything posted by rhythmdevils

  1. I just got a nice pair of K400 on ebay for 50 bucks. Advertised as "noise cancelling headphones" Would have been quite a fantastic custom job if it was true considering the K400 is one of the openest airiest non cancelingest headphones ever, but it was still a good deal. I'll probably give them to someone. But you're right, they don't sound as good as I remember the K500 w/ K400 drivers sounding that you sold me a while ago. Which I imagine was pretty much a K400?
  2. ATH-AD2000 is your only hope.
  3. Has anyone who hears the "resonance" in the LCD-2 tried taking the grill off? I was just pm'ing with someone and he was convinced that's what was causing it. It seems unlikely to me, given they already revised the grill due to resonance issues and since it would be a pretty dumn mistake if it was true. As for NwAwzNwAguy I'm inclined to take Shit's side simply because NwAwAnANWawguy was hostile from the very beginning and it seems like he has a pretty strong bias or grudge of some sort.
  4. You need to realize that the AKG's are just revealing what is actually in the recording. Every album that has and will ever be recorded was done using miniaturized plastic toy versions of the real thing made by fischer price (the singers also sing through a plastic box called a "verimotion transformer") and recordings are always made inside an igloo in a snow cave filled with ice crystals at the top of a snowy icy mountain on the coldest day of the year in the Antarctic. Or am I missing something?
  5. Sweetness.
  6. Are you not a fan of the Cavalli amps? Or just the "best amp ever" talk?
  7. Yeah I never thought I'd be remotely interested in even listening to anything Beyer after hearing the 770-990
  8. Oh wow, new diaphragm. I'm tempted to try them out again, but I doubt it would fix my problem with them. I liked the treble as it was. Good on Audeze though to keep working on them. The new headband looks comfy!
  9. Well good for Audeze then. And good for you lucky bastards.
  10. I would describe it with all manner of flowery analogies but I don't think that would do anyone any good. You're a lucky bastard if you don't hear it because it's a great headphone, one of the only headphones that have accurate FR imo. Most people don't hear it, including some good ears so it also doesn't mean you're deaf...
  11. It's really weird that one can suck so badly while the other wins so hard and they have the same enclosure, price, similar release date, with similar (the same?) drivers. I think Beyer has some restructuring to do in their company.
  12. Is it speaker cloth or felt? I believe it's felt, which you can add or subtract to tune the sound. I wanted to mess with the damping, but I decided they are too expensive. I actually think longer cups to channel the backwave would do the LCD-2 a lot of good and fix the "resonance" I hear. Even just cupping my hands behind the cups like a half grado cup (perpendicular to the big black vents) seemed to help and helped with soundstage and imaging as well. But Don could also be right about the magnet structure being to blame. Thanks! I was trying to ween myself off forums like this so I was trying to avoid signing up here. But it was inevitable.
  13. You guys are my heroes.
  14. Thanks guys! I know I don't know why I stayed away for so long. It's amazing, all the cool people who disappeared over the years are here! Now I know why it's so noobs gone wild over there lately.
  15. Problem with the ED10's is that they put all their R&D money into the sound and forgot the most important part- rare earth metals and endangered animal skins and diamonds. Oh wait...
  16. Nah. I think it's much better to not hear it in this case. Is that tear on your avatar for the LCD-2?
  17. First post on head-case! Sorry for ruining them for you Ric! But it is really great to see those measurements and hear Tyll's analysis and Don's thoughts. I honestly heard this resonance a few minutes after listening to them for the first time, and spent the next 5 months putting them on every week or so hoping it would be gone, and taking them off rather quickly in disappointment. I'm not sure I ever wanted to love a pair of headphones more than the LCD-2 and I'm not sure I ever had higher expectations. But this "reverb" effect ruins them for me and it's pretty sad because otherwise (well the weight is killer as well) they are maybe the best headphone i've ever heard. I have so far avoided posting about it because I really want Audeze to succeed. But it looks like they are/will and this is the smaller site...
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