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Everything posted by rhythmdevils

  1. Hmmm a pm must have been lost in the digital void... Not to worry though pm sent.
  2. It's pretty clear this is exactly what he wanted to happen. As far as I can tell he's just as biased as the guys who throw money at ERS paper and RGC Ground Conditioners.
  3. You're my hero
  4. If anyone wants to just listen to them we could probably arrange that too. I'm home a lot so could be pretty flexible as far as coming by for a listen. I'm in Palo Alto. You could bring amps if you want too.
  5. If my preferred headphones weren't so insensitive to my feelings I'd plug them straight into my ipod classic.
  6. Why do they even release crappy headphones at this point? Don't they have someone with ears there that can say what tyll just said?
  7. It is very exclusive. And dangerous. Lot of whackkos.
  8. 600? Where? Everywhere I look the LCD3 is 1000 dollars more...
  9. By fast attack, do you mean driver speed and fast decay rate? I think this is what creates real detail, and frequency response tricks are what create the illusion of detail. I mean if not real speed, what makes a headphone more detailed than another? Stats are even faster than orthos, so wouldn't that be why they are more resolving?
  10. I heard the Balancing Act prototype at a local meet a year and a half ago or something and he had a prototype of another amp as well and was trying to decide between the two for production. I'm sure he had good reason to go with the BA but I believe the other amp was the one I preferred. Anyone know what happened to it or if he has plans? Not that I'm in the market, I'm just curious. It was probably my favorite amp at the meet.
  11. Ok no offense fellas because I don't write reviews either (I don't like that many headphones and they would be more bitch fest than review) but I'm just saying that it's a lot easier to criticize someone than to do it better yourself. Maybe he could be more critical but the bigger issue IMO is the fact that he's one of the only people left on head-fi who writes actual reviews with words about SQ, the rest is mostly POV unboxing porn and rubbish impressions about comfort and looks.
  12. I'd love to see you guys write some more critical and technical reviews.
  13. Is that like Headphoneus Supremus on Head-fi?
  14. Fair enough, but a lot of folks see it in a much more black and white way than that. I think we should be begging for certain people to have their taxes raised....
  15. Unless you live in a van down by the river and have never, and don't plan on ever using electricity, a real toilet, roads, GPS, police (and this doesn't just include calling the police, but the fact that you aren't pillaged by hoards of bandits every night), hospital, ambulance, public transit, and any other thing that your taxes pay for even if you are dying or in immense pain, you should be happy about paying taxes.
  16. Either I'm really dense right now, or you have me confused with someone else? I haven't heard the LCD-3. Unless you're talking about my ponderings in the HF thread and posts about soundstage? That was more just about orthos in general and what can be reasonably expected from my limited experience.
  17. Jesus boys. Maybe instead of attacking someone for their impressions you ought to write your own impressions or just be nicer about it. I'm all for correcting people and informing people and keeping things somewhat more factual or objective in such a subjective field, but the way you come off it sounds just as biased and it's alienating and insulting, which doesn't really help whatever credible information you're trying to share.
  18. Only 3 pages? You guys need to get pumped up.
  19. Blessing, are those pictures you posted (or at least the one with the army looking dudes) early radar type devices? Are they listening for airplanes? Pretty amazing. Those kinds of inventions are so much cooler than the new iphone4s with dual hemoraging flumoxes. The Pickering ad was cool too, it's interesting seeing old advertising it's so simple and straightforward.
  20. It's cool seeing a thread like this about a rig for 4k instead of a bassy phone for 25.
  21. You have to get the silk soymilk and vegan ice cream too though, it's the trifecta that makes the face possible.
  22. It's painful but somehow I can't stop watching it.
  23. I'd say the K400 and the series that followed up to the Qfail are some of the most open dynamics around.
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