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About rhythmdevils

  • Birthday 10/03/1983

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  • Interests
    Making stuff and doing stuff
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  • Biography
    So many
  • Location
    Yuppi Paradise
  • Occupation
  • Hobbies
    Photo, Video, Headphones, Music, Movies
  • Headphones
    Yamaha YH3, Fostex T10, T20v1,v2, NAD RP18 x2, NOS K340, K240 Sextett,
  • Headphone Amps
    SOHA1, MHSS, PPAS, TTVJ Slim, ipod
  • Sources
    MisterX Gamma2, ipod
  • Other Audio Gear
    NAD preamp, Mackie HR625 reference monitor speakers (Ze Makenhousen)

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  1. Here's the picture. This is next gen dry hump technology right here.
  2. What about the HE6? Don't people like powerful tube amps for them? That was my inclination for them. And what about the Liquid Fire? Seems to be a good match for the Audeze from what I've read. (spare me the KG propaganda please)
  3. I think the only difference is the price which makes people pickier, expect more, and keeps the sales down. From everything I've seen it looks like they just transferred the same LCD-2 issues over to the LCD-3's thinner diaphragm or whatever it is. Oh, and great write-up Marv. Gives me a pretty good picture of the LCD-3. I'm waiting for the smaller driver portable with yamaha style driver...
  4. I like the un-censorded verion of Gurubhai !
  5. You're one of them
  6. I know people (not people with "crap hearing" ) who have heard the resonance on the Apex Peak and Gilmore amps among others. I heard them at a meet on the Apex but it was too loud to hear much more than "bass- check!, mirange- check!, treble- check!"
  7. The resonance in the LCD-2 seems to vary in severity between units, but it's not power or amp related. I heard terrible resonance/reverb (and might have heard veil too if the reverb hadn't kept me from listening to them) in my LCD-2 and yet have heard nothing like that in any other orthos, not even the 1979 Fostex T50, which has a driver of similar construction and similar size to the LCD-2, and yet is much harder to drive. I've heard a lot of orthos on this gear and never heard anything like that resonance/reverb except when experimenting with damping schemes and enclosures that did not work or were not ideal. I didn't even hear anything like that when I plugged the HE6 prototype (harder to drive than the production HE6) directly into an ipod. It's coming from the driver, pads, damping or enclosure. Unless you think the LCD-2 has amp requirements that are unique among planar magnetics?
  8. I don't know if the TP mod makes a time/weather changing difference or not, I thought it was significant. But in general, changing damping materials in an ortho can definitely take them from bad to good, or even...fantabulous. The LCD-3 was already damped at least decently, but some of the vintage orthos have little or none.
  9. yeah, and it's not even gourmet TP. Even on toiletpaper-fi Kirkland signature would be frowned upon.
  10. Are you the deuche who attacked someone with their 6th post?
  11. I agree with Jude.
  12. Bob has them now. Will be interesting to see what he thinks comparing to the Rev2. No one seems to want to hear them with TP. I swear to them that it is clean TP, never touched my heiny and I even offer a screw driver and instructions on how to do it. But I think since it's a limited audition people are wanting to hear them stock so they have a reference point to other's impressions.
  13. I'm in Palo Alto. But that's fine, they're going on to the next person.
  14. Judging an amp's sound by a list of parts. Interesting...
  15. Yeppers. Are they low because the amps had just been released? Or maybe i think theres more headphone obsessed freaks than there really are.
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