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Everything posted by A9X

  1. A9X

    Stax plug

    Hi Kevin, I seem to recall from somewhere that these needed to be machined for correct fit? If that's right are your spares already turned down? Either way, I'd be interested in at least a pair. Cheers
  2. Oh, please. You didn't actually do any such thing that would make it clear that you were not just ading another imbecilic response. I obviously didn't get the secret decoder ring that would allow such responses to be clear. Face palm is right.
  3. Well then those who like to post stupidity could have just shut up rather than be overt asses. I mainly joined because of the KGHVSS, so I'll keep myself to that discussion, and not waste any more of your precious member's time. They have their hands full anyway.
  4. I did read it, It was a perfectly reasonable question. I've been in plenty of bars where idiotic comments are not needed nor purveyed as some sort of intellect. If this is some sort of exclusive club, then don't allow new members and just enjoy the group circle jerk.
  5. That however is a perfectly reasonable response, and appreciated, even if it doesn't directly help. Unlike some of the assinine responses so far. Cheers
  6. I can take some ribbing, but not 4chan grade asshattery. Because I am new to this forum, does not mean I am new to forums at all, especially audio. I probably have 30k posts around the various audio fora. I mainly use speakers, so cans are a secondary interest, though I did use my STAX Sig Pros for most of my listening for a decade before I bought my own residence. All I was really hoping for was someone who had heard them to pipe in and say 'you might like this' as it's similar sounding. From which I would go and listen and make my own decisions. After using STAX exclusively for 25 years, I was surprsed how much I liked these, even though I've heard quiet a few other dynamics over the years. As I said, I also need another pair of dynamics. I have most of the parts for a pair of Gilmore Dynalos and could use one of these to drive the second pair.
  7. No, I have the need for another pair of dynamic cans, as well. Suggestions for Supra-aural, open backed, dynamic cans in the price range please. I really hoped I would get some helpful answers.
  8. Cool, I thought as much. Mine lost Pro bias yesterday, and I haven't been bothered to fix it yet, but I'd planned to replace all of the electros anyway as they are factory original, and I bought the unit new in 85 or 86. Full refurb time I think, but the bench is already full of partly completed electroniics projects.
  9. Do you have a link where this is available new for <$US400? All that I have found via google are circa $700.
  10. What cap updates did you do?
  11. Y'all, I picked up a set of one owner K400 on a whim recently and am enjoying them a lot, at least as a change to the STAX. Having otherwise been a STAX owner exclusively for 25 years, what else is out there new that has a similar sound to the K400 and is say <$US400 (in the US)? I have a need for another set of dynamics. I'll go out and listen first to as many of the suggestions as I can. Amps will be Dynalo's. Cheers
  12. Anything that mentions cryo in the blurb I avoid as the BS smell lingers long after the product is unwrapped.
  13. Correct for me thank you.
  14. STAX have been consistently the most comfortable cans for me, so I dout the 507 will be different. Potential for brighness is noted, so I'll try to have a listen to some locally as subjective descriptions vary so much between individuals, that the 'brightness' might/might not be an issue for me personally. Cheers
  15. I've found this thread very useful especially the construction pics and comments earlier. I have a set of SR404 and some ancient Lambda Sigs (that need a resto badly) and have been contemplating adding another set of cans, and looking at the 507 as the prime contender. Unfortunately I can't stretch to the 007 which is really what I want. I've put my hand up for a set of KGSSHV boards and my own tube based driver is apart again whilst I try some changes and wait for the IXYS CCSs to arrive.
  16. I'm in for a set of KGSSHV boards, but I can't seem to get to the spreadsheet - it goes into an endless redirect until timeout. Edit: got it to work by slumming and using IE.
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