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About DaGreatAzn

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Well I recently found a pair of new Sennheiser EH150s going for $20. When compared to the Koss KSC75, which one is the better deal for $20?
  2. I saw an image of a pair Koss KSC-35 on ebay. I dunno if it is b/c of the box, but they look kinda cheap. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) Thx for the detailed response, is there any headphone that I haven't mentioned that you would recommend over these, Nanoha?
  3. Unfortunately,$50 is all I could muster for headphones as I am on a tight budget so those AKG K81DJ are out of my reach So far I see that the Koss ksc-75 seems like the favorite, frankly I haven't heard of them until some of you guys recommended it. Headphones that I having been looking at include the Sennheiser MX500, PX100, PMX100, Sony's MDR collection, iGRADO, and the Koss Portapro. How does the Koss KSC-75 fare against the products that I have listed? I still haven't made a final decision and anymore recommendations are gladly welcomed
  4. thx for the quick feedback, i looked up both items on amazon and they seems to be very highly rated! Please everyone, more feedback so i can make an informed decision on what to buy! btw:for the Koss KSC75, is it just a clip on version of the popular portapros?
  5. Umm, I'm not to sure what you are talking about, plz elaborate. I would I also like to say that my preferences for headphones are that they shouldn't be too bass heavy and should work well in low volumes. To make sure ppl understand what I'm saying when I say mp3 headphones, I mean to say headphones that I can wear during my commute. I personally hate those headphones with those bulky noise cancellers, so don't recommend me any of that. Thx in advance!
  6. Having done research on headphones within my price range and having reached no conclusion on what I should buy, I have decided to enlist the help of professional audiophiles. What I'm looking for in headphones is clarity, bass and all that other junk are also important to me, but the most important thing that I look for in headphones is crisp and clear music. If you can find it in your heart, please help this poor soul by providing some thoughtful advice as to what I should purchase.
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