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Everything posted by TMoney

  1. Blue Hawaii in Hawaii last night in honor of KG.
  2. Thats because it was ugly as sin.
  3. Anyone else notice how he seems to have copied the front panel design most of us our using on the KGSSHVs?
  4. Honestly... what... the... hell is this!?
  5. I almost started to reply to them but it seemed kind of useless to send each and everyone a reply stating "Try reading the article. It'll answer all your questions." Kids these days...
  6. Those youtube comments on the video are hilarious!
  7. If only! Sadly, it seems that 90% of the head-fi audience hasn't heard of Inner Fidelity yet. Think of the amount of stupid posts over on the other site asking questions that Tyll has definitively answered. Its one of the comforting differences in the two sites is that people here tend to read up before posting lest they look like an idiot. If only the same mentality pervaded over there. On another note: I watched the Video Podcast from the other day. I don't quite think the interviewer knew what to do with you, Tyll. He seemed quite a bit more enamored with the title of the article than the substance of what you were saying.
  8. Wait, are you actually defending Guttenberg or are you just hassling the new guys? The fact that someone is a prolific reviewer in the headphone space does not automatically gaurantee them any kind of respect. See: Ebaen, Srajan. I appreciate the fact that he has posted on Tyll's site, but I have found his Inner Fidelity posts, much like his reviews, to be worthless. IMO, a good review critically analyzes gear, compares how it performs relative to other gear in its price range and class, then makes an informed conclusion about whether the gear is worth purchasing. Tyll is a master of this. On the other hand, a Steve Guttenberg review reads like manufacturer's ad copy, has a passage where he claims that he can "hear things I've never heard before," and includes a laconically worded 1 sentence compare and contrast to other gear that isn't in the same price range. Naturally the gear being reviewed sounds better than something cheaper but worse than something more expensive.
  9. My condolences to your ears for having to listen to some of those.
  10. Congrats on your new toy! Thanks again to Kerry for letting a few of us have a listen before it shipped out to its new home. We measured the operating temperature after hours of use while they were still at Kerry's. If I am remembering correctly, the amp section had a surface temperature of about 125F. Hot, but not imminent fire hazard hot by any means.
  11. Thanks for the tip. I found this helpful page as well: http://lascotchclub.com/GlassReview/ EDIT: I think I'm going to get him the classic, cheaper, Glencairns and save the rest for a nice bottle. Thanks again for the help.
  12. Question for the "Whisky Mafia": I want to buy a pair of whisky glasses for a good friend. My friend owns a lot of the nice Riedel wine glasses and I noticed they also sell a "Single Malt" glass. http://glassware.rie...s.html?___SID=U Would it be a nice gift to get him a pair or would a real whisky drinker prefer a different kind of glass? EDIT: Here is a better picture on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000DZDTZ
  13. Just buy the BHSE and be done with it. You won't have to worry about anyone but the T2 DIYers having better gear and you'll also be able to stop complaining. To these ears the 009/BH combo is hard to beat.
  14. Yeah, I saw it. I don't want to make any assumptions, but I certainly hope the quality and products are not adversely affected by this move.
  15. Ba-dum-ching!
  16. Very nicely done. The front panel of the amp looks so clean when you can move the power switch to your PSU box. The two jack look (a la T2) is really nice. Also gogo Team Silver!
  17. Happy Birthday, buddy!
  18. Tried making a few posts in the LCD3 thread over on the "dark side." What a mistake. I'm sorry I bothered. Anti-intellectualism reigns supreme over there. It reminds me of the the "Tea Party" mentality. Complex things are scary to the simple minded.
  19. It was in my case. I bought one before I knew any better. I'm still trying to unload the thing. It's been an expensive lesson, but one I'm not going to repeat any time soon.
  20. Happy Birthday to you, Sir. I have you (and your rantings over at head-fi) to thank (blame?) for the 009s sitting on my desk right now.
  21. Beautiful job, Spritzer. I applaud the choice of silver. What does it say in the lower left corner?
  22. Very nice. Front page right now on NYT as well.
  23. Looks fantastic with the front panel. Great job, Greg. Can't wait to hear it for myself.
  24. Saw the article yesterday! Congrats! Move the beats solo review to your front page temporarily?
  25. I just went looking for the HE90 measurements as well. Were they ever publicly posted?
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