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TMoney last won the day on March 21

TMoney had the most liked content!

About TMoney

  • Birthday 01/20/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Davis, CA
  • Gender


  • Occupation
    Public Agency Lawyer
  • Headphones
    DCA Stealth, HD800S, HD600, HD650
  • Headphone Amps
    ECP DSHA-4 (home) and DSHA-3 (work)
  • Sources
    Holo Audio May, Oppo Sonica
  • Other Audio Gear
    Pass Labs XP-10 Preamplifier

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TMoney's Achievements

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. Happy birthday, DOTU!
  2. I moved into the new place this weekend. Moving sucks, but hopefully that was the last move I need to make in a good while.
  3. Delightful. Retrospective on its creation: https://www.sfgate.com/sf-culture/article/san-francisco-sony-bouncy-ball-ad-20204385.php
  4. This is interesting. I always thought Atomic Bomb was the album where things started to go creatively sideways for Bonovox, Edge, and the boys. Little they have done since that album has resonated with me. This compilation of cast-offs from the Atomic Bomb sessions shows they had much more creatively interesting stuff in the can that sadly ended up getting shelved. This is a band at their best when they are daring, not playing it safe. I’d listen to this again easily before firing up Atomic Bomb, which, outside of Vertigo, is forgettable.
  5. Get well soon, Esmé!
  6. Happy birthday, Nate!
  7. So sorry for your loss. RIP, Karen.
  8. Loved his movies. He had quite a range, being able to go from tightly sprung intensity to warmth and humor. The Conversation is one of my all-time favorites.
  9. Happy birthday! Hope you make something fun today with all those awesome tools!
  10. Happy birthday, Dan! Looking forward to hearing your impressions of bouncing around in the EV6 GT!
  11. Happy birthday, Colin! (I assume the title to this thread made sense to Brent when he made it?)
  12. Happy birthday, Mr. Tice!
  13. Happy birthday, Jeff. Hope it isn’t too cold for a deck beer!
  14. ^ One of the greatest pilot episodes in TV history, no question. Still amazing it made it to network TV.
  15. Los Angeles puts on a heck of a show, to the surprise of no one. Some of these acts have aged better than others, but pretty cool to see everyone on the two stages.
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