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Everything posted by sbelyo

  1. I'm ok with doing a group buy for the TKD pots. I know the US distributor is more than ordering from TKD directly but that may be our only option unless someone can buy from them directly and wants to handle that group buy. What is the correct part number to inquire about? I know it would start with 4CP601 and end with 10K but I don't know what taper is for volume. I assume we want a blank value for the mechanical click.
  2. What's the chances of another TKD pot group buy? I believe Kerry said he would modify the board.
  3. if we can source them I'll add it to the group buy
  4. we've made it to 20 boards so far in the group buy. Any objections to going with 3oz copper? The price will go up about $1.25 a board
  5. If using the RK27 do I need to wire anything differently? I'm thinking it doesn't really matter right? What are the chances of doing a second round on the pots. From what I read on them, I want to try them
  6. if enough people commit we can up the copper to 3oz. Any issues with that? If we can get to 20 boards it only goes up about $1.25 a board
  7. Should we get a stencil?
  8. Board is added to the group buy. Group buy thread is here: Spreadsheet is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z1L3MQuuY4ZTUyPQb1qBmVJp8MtC7qEzBUui3z5dFrQ/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Sure, I can add this to the group buy. Let me check how much it'll be
  10. Since this does all three, I'm in. I started a group buy that included KG's alpsquad3 board so I'll cancel/drop that board if this gets offered. I need 4 as well as one other person needing 2 so that makes 6 I wish I was thinking about this last month, I could've got in on the pots... Dang, maybe someone will sell me one or there will be a second round. One can only hope
  11. is the bigger board compatible with the alps RK27 quad pot?
  12. Yeah, I saw that one. I have a quad alps pot so I don't need one but let me see if I can jump in on that one for just the pcb. Feel free to try and get a set of sorenb's GRLV boards. I'm going to think about all this tonight
  13. Yep, I just found it. I see it's the split boards at $33 per set. I'm partial to the combined board although I know it doesn't really make a difference. Thanks for the info, I'll think about it tonight
  14. sweet... I need 2 at this point but could use 4 in total and there's one other person looking for one as well. Is it the + and - together or separate? What's the price per board? .
  15. Hello All... After realizing I missed out on the latest group buy I thought about having a run of boards made. I believe 3oz copper is recommended for the GRLV and in order to get the boards to an affordable price with that weight it looks like 20+ would do it. While I'm at it, is there any interest in ALPS quad pcbs as well?
  16. is 3oz copper required on the PCB or will 2oz be sufficient?
  17. The original place I was going to use did not have 3 oz as an option. But, I found this place http://www.pcbway.com/ Their prices are better for small qty and they do have 3oz as an option. The problem is it triples the cost of the board. I'd have to increase the order to 20 boards to make it around $10 a board. I think that's doable if I organized a group buy but I've never done one before and was trying to avoid it. Let me see if there's any interest in a group buy
  18. ok, definitely save a set for me. I will most likely order both the power supply and the quad alps board early next week. Looks to be about $133 USD for 10 of each. The PSU should be $8.42 and the alps board would be $4.90 I'm going to use 4 of both so that'll leave 6 up for grabs
  19. looks good to me, have you built a set yet?
  20. Understood... Thank you sir definitely, are they the latest one? that's cheap, I'll check them out
  21. I'm thinking of having some of the golden reference, dynalo, and alps quad pot boards made. The place I was thinking of using was seeedstudio.com Is there a better place for small runs? Their least expensive option is 1mm thickness, 1oz copper in green. Are those specs good enough?
  22. I only used the normal mounting hardware from avel lindberg and the top of the metal bolt does not touch the top of the metal box. Is that ok?
  23. so after reading the electraprint page I'm starting to think that when I I put the transformer in it's own aluminum project box with a cover it either made no difference, made it worse, or may be causing harm to tthe transformer. Does that sound right? If so maybe I sould take it out of the project box that it's in and just mount it in the amp case.
  24. The amp is drawing 797 mA from each secondary. The spec'ed current is 1.67 A from each secondary so that's roughly a 50% headroom. If I reduce the size of the transformer that should reduce excess EM radiation. How much can I reduce it?
  25. I'm going to rewire the signal input and output with shielded wire and measure the current on the transformer secondaries this weekend. We'll see what happens
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