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Everything posted by sbelyo

  1. Thanks... I had no idea you can do it by picture
  2. Can anyone here translate japanese to english on this dvd cover? I wanted to know if is says 2 ch audio in english?
  3. I'm reposting my parts list as someone requested it. Probably needs to be double checked Project_Nov08_0152PM.xls
  4. I'll try to find that just to see. I use Dire Straits Brothers in Arms to judge upgrades I Have those headphone and am considering making a cable from Cardas cable. Need to finish my dynahi first
  5. Its silver plated. It sounded just like you describe. I was wondering if it would settle down with some break in. I think I prefer copper myself. Think I'm going to start using Cardas for chassis and interconnects now
  6. I made these over the last week. The blue pair is Cardas 2 x 21.5 AWG. The white pair is 2 x 24 AWG SPC mil spec from navships. The navships cable is a step up from the Mogami that I was using. Cost was $35 After a week I really like it but found it to sound bright. The Cardas is a step beyond the navships cable. Sounds neutral to me. No harsh highs or bloated lows. After 5 hours I'm liking this one the best out of all three. Cost was $65
  7. I want to make a couple sets using different coax cable available on the net. I want to use solder connectors not compression. I'm looking for something flexible. I've ordered Belden GS-4 and some 26 AWG shielded silver plated from navships. Anybody used Belden 1505F?
  8. It's a core i5 system built around this: https://www.asrock.com/mb/intel/H110M-STX/ The next step is to power My Amenero directly with 5V
  9. The PSU is finished and in place in the rack. At day one I couldn't really hear any difference. The second day I left it on all day then listened at night and there was a positive difference. It's subtle but seems to get better a little each day. It was worth the experiment per se.
  10. That makes sense to me. I figured I'd only switch pin 2 and 3.
  11. I haven't built a dynalo with them but I built several cmoy 's back in the day just to explore resistor sound. I used Vishay Dale RN60D, Holco H8, and Xicon. Xicon came in last to my ear so I avoid them if I can. I also use the IVY III output stage for my DAC and that uses Xicon resistors in it's stock form. I switched them out for PRP and it was an improvement. So I have two instances where I didn't like them in the signal path. But feel free to try, YMMV and nothing ventured nothing gained etc. etc.
  12. what's their website? I'd be interested in LSJ109 in TO-71 6L I always wanted to hear the LSK389/LSJ109 but missed the boat on the LSJ
  13. That's cool! I'd like to see those as I want to use for two other projects where space is at a premium
  14. yeah, that's what I ended up going with. Salas's stuff is great! The first board I posted was too risky as there was nothing to prevent the full rectified voltage reaching the PSU if the regulator failed. Salas tested his supply for failure a few different ways with no problems if the regulator failed.
  15. Here's the completed working PSU. My first build of 2021
  16. lol, Amazon is too funny
  17. I agree... Goldpoint make a 1 in 2 out or 2 in one out for $395 That'd be about what it would cost to build what I'm taking about. I see lots of 4x1 and 1x4. Where else should I look? There's this https://www.amazon.com/Nobsound-Balanced-Converter-Audio-Selector/dp/B07D7P7366/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwNWKBhDAARIsAJ8HkhdVZLw63nCWM4jSmKFyh-5ElXROxIQhrO9XIg34HmDjhiCDc2hbdOsaApLkEALw_wcB&hvadid=474280920474&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9003511&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15182943523645060152&hvtargid=kwd-309276109139&hydadcr=17980_10939357&keywords=balanced+audio+switcher&qid=1633030674&sr=8-10
  18. I'll soon have the need to switch between two different sources and amps and I'm two projects behind even starting my preamp. I want to put together a 2 in 2 out switch. If I use 4P2T switches how should I manage the shield (pin 1)? Or should I use 3P2T2D and not worry? I'm just trying to see if I can get away with 1 deck instead of two?
  19. Ha, good point. The reviews look good. I'm swayed toward less is more now. I always liked that those dacs are upgradeable and the trial period
  20. The OG is the one I know I didn't like but that was the earlier version so that's still a consideration I guess. I think it comes down to these two: Yggdrasil Less is More. Even better performance for lower cost. The most affordable Yggdrasil uses four TI DAC8812 16-bit D/A converters. Many think this is the best sounding flavor, hence less bits, more better…less is more. Yggdrasil More is Less. The best-measuring integrated multibit DAC, ever. This Yggy uses four TI DAC11001 20-bit D/A converters. If you’re one who thinks multibit DACs can’t measure well, this one’s for you—approaching -120dB THD+N. Based on a few reviews it sounds like the Less is More could be what I'm looking for. Plus it's got a trial period. Anybody have one in their system now?
  21. I have not, I will check it out
  22. I think I'm going with the Pontus II. Has anyone had a chance to compare it to other R2R dacs in that price range? I really want the terminator but $4400 is a chunk. I wonder for that extra $2800 if I'd hear the difference.
  23. making some progress... Just need to figure out the wiring for the voltage and current display
  24. started this build this weekend...
  25. ok, now that I have my locky_z curve tracer working I need to figure out what template to load in the tracer to match the BC556 (PNP) and BC546 (NPN) and what settings to use. I'm kind of lost in that area and I've never used anything precise like this to match. I'm pretty sure the unbal/bal boards run at 20Vdc so I'm guessing I want to match for that voltage but other than that? Here's the templates available and a screenchot of the settings for one of the PNP templates
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