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Everything posted by sbelyo

  1. Have we decided on a case for the mini? I'm thinking we could just use FPE for the whole thing. There was over 100 boards ordered so the price should be somewhat affordable at that quantity and we could make all the sides of the case work to our benefit with vents and such plus it would look awesome too.
  2. I'm hoping this stays somewhat simple. I'd like to build one as my first.
  3. I think I want to dip into the electrostatic pool. Is this a good place for me to start?
  4. RIP good buddy... This past may I lost the last of 5 cats that I had kept together from birth to death since 1997. I had him for 19 years! Longer than my kids have been alive. It's a gut shot indeed
  5. I'm getting ready to order some power transformers. For one SuSy Dynahi board powered by one GRLV, is 80 VA sufficient, or is 100VA better?
  6. Blunt and to the point... I like it
  7. just where does that device fit in the chain?
  8. Congrats, take your time... And say good bye to a good nights sleep until he's out of the house lol!
  9. I'm glad I voted, and I'm glad it's over
  10. I'll try that plugin this week and see what happens. I don't think I went that far last time as DVDA Explorer worked with the first two
  11. I've got three dual discs that have enhanced stereo tracks on the DVD side of the disc. They don't show up using DVDA Explorer, but DVDA Extractor will list them just not extract them. Anybody have any luck getting the tracks off these types of discs?
  12. I have no problem running it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. This will be included in the group buy
  14. thanks... Hammond mfg will cut the 1455T2202 to length with a minimum of 25 pieces. I was thinking of going that route but don't want 25. The case pars found is nice as well. I'm in for either one
  15. is it 6.840 " in between the back of front and rear plates?
  16. Hey, just reading this... I just don't understand how people can be so shitty. It hurt to read it but it makes me happy that I adopted my two awesome cats Otis and Klaus. Otis was found with his brothers and sisters at a recycling plant and was saved by construction workers. We drove two hours to CT to get him and he simply is one of the best cats I have ever had. Klaus was abandoned and found on the outskirts of a cat colony in between two office buildings in CT. The colony would not let him in and when the lady feeding the colony put a carrier down on the ground he ran right in. He was in the same vets office as Otis and greeted us at the door. Needless to say he came home with us too.
  17. I found this post... Did these designs go any further?
  18. Does anyone who ordered a set of Dynalo boards want the little adapter board that is part of the gerber?
  19. one whiz wit from Tony Luke's on Oregon Ave. in Philadelphia
  20. paid for 3 of the all in one boards with the RK27
  21. I just wanna see if someone out there has that kinda dough to take a chance... clearly that's what I thought
  22. This has got to be a misplaced decimal or something http://www.ebay.com/itm/331996665716?ul_noapp=true
  23. Is it this one ? http://gilmore.chem.northwestern.edu/boards/balancedoutputcast2.zip
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