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alex_o rules

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Everything posted by alex_o rules

  1. I recently purchased a Blue Hawaii (DIY) and it looks great. I am ensuring that all is well, and I am performing some measurements on the amplifier prior to plugging in my headphones (SR-Omega.) The amplifier was built in a single chassis and uses Headamp's boards from 2004. One thing I noticed while examining Kevin's project page for the Blue Hawaii is that it calls for +-450v and +-15v outputs on the PSU. However, the Headamp KGSS/Blue Hawaii (as labeled) supply boards seems to output +/-360v and +/-15v. This seems to be closer to the KGSS specification. Does this throw off the amplifier sections in any way? Finally, when I measures from Bias output to Ground on the supply board, I measured ~260v. My feeling is this should be ~580v for Stax Pro bias. I am able to change this measurement by using a 1M trimpot on the supply board, but am worried that something is amiss. Keep in mind I took all these measurements without headphones attached. Moreover, when I plugged my HE60 in, they seemed to play music fine. Mind you, I have never heard any other Blue Hawaii amps, but found the bass somewhat unimpressive. I'm going on memory versus the SRM-007t Mark II.
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