Hello to all,
I'm fairly new to this forum and untill now I have read a lot of posts to get a bit acquainted.
For normal bias phones, I use a SRM-1/Mk2 which I would like to upgrade (actualy a P.P., but I fitted 1 normal bias socket). I have read about swapping out the power transistors for 2SC5466 units, currently used in Stax amps. However, in a SRM-323 thread I read that 2SC3675 transistors are to be preferred over the 2sc5466 units. Why is that and which transistors are best for the SRM-1/Mk2 (p.p.)?
For pro bias phones, I use a SRM-727II on which I want to perform the "spitzer mod". What resistors are to be used? metal film, carbon film, others? Are 1/2 Watt resistors "big" enough?
Does it make sense to swap the 2SC5466's in this amp with 2SC3675's (see above)?
Are the modfied 727 units still going strong? No side effects till now?