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pixel pusher

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Everything posted by pixel pusher

  1. The PS1000 is my store demo unit. It'll be making the rounds at future GTA meets.
  2. This was a short notice mini meet. The next meet will be properly organized with tasty treats. We just wanted to get together quickly before the cold settles in and everyone is suddenly in Christmas mode.
  3. Picked up a "Snap 'N Stack" cookie & cupcake carrier at Costco this afternoon for $18.99 CAD here in Canada. It makes an excellent headphone storage carrier for all you Grado fanboys. Simply swap out the inner cupcake trays with the foam inserts from your Grado boxes. It's a perfect fit!
  4. Cankin, As suggested above, I would simply glue it back for a quick fix. Another solution would be to take your cans back to your original dealer. Show them the issue and have them remove and order you a replacement metal gimbal assembly with height rod under warranty. The gimbal assembly is available for order to authorized Grado dealers only. If the shop does not feel comfortable removing the gimbal assembly and suggest you send in your cans for warranty. You can either ship them directly back to Grado Labs or to the Audio Group, the Canadian Grado distributor for warranty service. Best, Kev
  5. Happy Belated B-day Jason! Kev
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