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Everything posted by Horio

  1. You guys have a link to his site? I talked to vilt about some custom knobs last year, but he seemed to vanish during the process. I'd like to have him make me some custom knobs for my upcoming KGPre.
  2. Glad to hear wink hooked you up John. Who did your top panel, FPE? How good was the silver anodizing match to the Hifi2000 front panel?
  3. As always, very well done John! I just realized I never sent your Stax Jack PCBs. Do you still want me to send them, or is there no need now? Sorry about that.
  4. How is the progress coming along? Is the testing going well?
  5. Oh dear... Any hints?
  6. Kevin, you gotta stop quit coming up with all this cool stuff. You know I lack the self control to pass on another new project...
  7. Do you have a rough idea what the current draw is for the various voltages? Seems like the 12V line is going to be very small, but the 5V line might see some current with the Arduino. I have no idea what the +/-20V and +/-15V might see though.
  8. I know I asked this a while back, but what are you thinking of doing for the power supply Kevin? You thinking of tailoring something for this specific build, or do we just come up with our own solution (ie, o22)?
  9. A touch screen would be cool, but I could easily make due with an encoder/OLED (no touch) on the amp for local control.
  10. Looks cool, though do you think its a touch on the small side?
  11. Even with a tablet style remote, it would be preferable to also have some sort of local control. A touch screen would definitely be sweet for this. Sounds like someone is going to be busy doing some programming for this preamp.
  12. Tablet for a remote? OLED to show levels? I like the sound of that.
  13. How's the prototyping going?
  14. Excellent! If there is any way to get some sort of remote control capability (similar to the LCDuino), that would be perfect. I like how the HifiDuino guy set his up to work with the cheap and simple apple remote.
  15. How did you like it compared to your BH?
  16. I did the exact same thing on my build with no issues. One word of advice, make sure your solder joints for the HV transistors (the heatsink mounted parts in particular) are nice a clean. I learned the hard way that a little spec of solder sticking out near the ground plane can lead to a short.
  17. Looking good... I do need a pre-amp, and I can't wait to get going on this one.
  18. Man your quick.
  19. Sweet! I'm excited about this one.
  20. That's great news. I'm in the need for a good balanced preamp, and this baby would fit the bill perfect. What do you have in mind for the power supply?
  21. Thread has been quiet for a while. Any new news or developments?
  22. Taking your time is really the best piece of advice imo. Part of the fun of DIY, is trying to learn a few things and not just throw something together as quickly as possible. Plus taking some extra time probably leads to fewer mistakes along the way. I wish I would have looked over my front panel one more time, so now I have to live with an "electostatic amplifier".
  23. I'd start by reading through this entire thread, as the answers to all of your questions can be easily found. Spend the time to do proper research and planning before jumping into a build like this. I've always found a few extra weeks of planning can save months in headaches... Due to the high voltages and expense (I spent in excess of $1500 on my build), this is a build that needs to be done carefully.
  24. I think at this point, you're going to have to see if anyone has a spare set they would sell you.
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