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Everything posted by jinp6301

  1. Oh cool, didnt know you could do it like that
  2. Hmm, that makes sense. Also, if I choose to get a macbook pro, is it worth it to get the applecare warranty? EDIT: My laptop should have broke a month sooner, I could have gotten the itouch for free
  3. The macbook I would need would be $1500 since I need the extra ram and the larger hard drive. A similar spec-ed T400 would be $800-900. I felt that was a good reason on its own
  4. so it turns out that my parents are willing to pay for the difference for me to get something with OSX as long as I help them out with work (which I already do). I'll probably get a lenovo t400 configured for OSX unless someone has a better idea
  5. Man I should get my keyboard out.
  6. sweet! I have no idea if thats a good keyboard or not but its always cool when people buy music MAKING equipment
  7. jinp6301


    Amazon.com: Etymotic Research ER20 High-Fidelity Earplugs (White with Purple Stem): Electronics $7.47 for people with amazon prime Amazon.com: ETYMOTIC RESEARCH ER20BP High Fidelity Ear Plugs ( Clear ): Electronics $5.90 + 3.99 shipping for people who dont have prime
  8. as seen from my recent threads, broke my ipod and my laptop basically on the same day
  9. You my be right
  10. It took about 20 minutes for me but it was the first time I replaced anything in an ipod. I'm sure I can do it in 5 minutes now
  11. I came to the same conclusion
  12. I'm actually trying to stay away from netbooks since the screen size is too small for me to use illustrator well. I wouldnt mind a macbook but I'm not a big fan of used laptops.
  13. I would if it wasnt too large to carry around
  14. My laptop is on its last dying breaths right now and it seems that I need a new laptop asap. Something under $500, 14" max screen size and should be able to run Adobe Illustrator decently. I would prefer to buy new/refurb so I could get the warranty. I've been looking at the lenovo outlet site and slickdeals. But is there anywhere else to look or does anyone have any suggestions?
  15. I dont work that way Actually, the ipod itself is not doing too well. Thats why I dont really care. The database corrupts pretty frequently and the hard drive is probably on its way out. But I would like to squeeze every piece of life out of this thing before it dies
  16. Ive opened it up and reseated all the connectors and that didnt help. I'm sure its not a ipod firmware thing because it does the same thing with rockbox. I'll get a screen off of ebay and replace it (for the second time)
  17. I have a 5 gen 60gb ipod that I've been using for a while. I dropped the ipod yesterday and it kind of broke on me. The audio outputs works but the screen outputs weirdly. I've dropped my ipod many times but this is the first time this has happened. When I press buttons or have any inputs (change volume), right bars on the screen move up and down. I was wondering if you guys would know if this could be fixed with a new screen or if it is a bigger issue.
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Didnt want the ladies to drink shitty wine and I couldnt afford the Isosceles here.
  20. bought that for the bachelorette party and some ketel one for the bachelor party
  21. just came back from a long weekend went back to my old school to talk to the professors to see that the professor I wanted to see wasn't in that day. ate some awesome chinese food at a nearby restaurant then went off to the "bachelor party." had dinner at empire brewpub in syracuse and went out to some bars later. came back to the rented cabin then drank some more. next day went to the wedding ceremony and then to the reception at a scottish hotel where they had open bar + the best scotch selection ever. had some of the new glenmorangie and some uigeadail there, danced with some girls and had a good time. went back to the cabin and went swimming into the nearby lake. got back and got pizza and beer and went back to the lake to look at stars. today, went hiking with my friend at a state park near his house then got back home after a 5 hour car ride. im beat
  22. jinp6301


    The 400 Blows is an awesome movie...
  23. STRECH-MAN! Happy birthday!!!
  24. Heh, I was just joking.
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