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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jinp6301

  1. $15 for developing/prints/cd of ilford xp2 a ripoff but target wouldnt develop it for some reason
  2. mad men
  3. jinp6301

    slow forum

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bvmEYxEYiA&feature=player_embedded and http://youngjerks.com/print/springstreets/
  4. jinp6301

    slow forum

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzRKEv6cHuk&feature=player_embedded thats actually one of my goals too
  5. Finally, the last ep of Deadwood. No more episodes
  6. awesome
  7. Heh, those are probably the two big indie hits of last year.
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/21/fashion/21rockkids.html ?
  9. The RE-2s are different. Much easier than the re-1 and imo, the re-1 kinda sucks
  10. Futurama - best episode in this season so far
  11. that is very weird but very cool
  12. damn im stupid please hit my head with a shovel please
  13. why am I a moron?
  14. Not dialup, just internet that might not be mine
  15. wut?
  16. Working my way up to The Idiot soon.
  17. You want to see bad?
  18. Looks like wegmans ftw! I still have half a sub left from todays lunch
  19. banana popsicle
  20. iPad-toting Syte Shirt redefines 'multitasking' -- Engadget
  21. jinp6301

    slow forum

  22. you have a lot x 3.60784314 of unread mail
  23. Check out the re-2 from head-direct, theyre cheap and they dont suck that bad
  24. you have a lot of unread mail
  25. just finished a wegmans sub
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