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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jinp6301

  1. Yea, thats what I thought. Thanks
  2. jinp6301

    slow forum

    on the front page! I really like the department here and it's great that my professor/department are getting some (positive) publicity!
  3. I dont know much about other schools but bio grad students at my school know jack shit about mathematics and statistics, and you can tell by their level of statistical analysis on their research. My research focus (and most of what I know in general) is on bioinfomatics, modeling and machine learning so most of what I'm interested in concerning biology is somehow related to mathematics. But then again, this is a grad level intro to cell/molecular bio class so I shouldnt have assumed that I could present on whatever I wanted
  4. Happy birthday!!!
  5. jinp6301

    slow forum

    Came across this while not studying for my bio test What my Bioengineering Professor gave us today : science Got a similar paper when I was in senior design by the same professor
  6. got yelled at by my bio professor for trying to do a presentation on a paper based on stochastic model of integrin mediated signaling. WHY WONT BIO CLASSES LET ME DO MATH PAPERS?!?!??!
  7. My apartment can be reconstituted as a storage closet
  8. question to anyone here using voip on the iphone/touch. I have really bad reception in my apartment, so I would rather use voip instead of using the cell line. Is there a no subscription-fee (like calling through gmail) way that I can use voip on my iphone?
  9. going through the BSG soundtracks
  10. finished yesterdays mad men mad men also coooooooool
  11. rewatching bsg bsg is coooooool
  12. Altitude Origins - Single Origins lets see how my foray into coffee goes
  13. Roommate got a growler of Dogfish punkin ale as well, which I am in the process of drinking. bio test thursday + graph theory reading/hw = i need beer
  14. southern tier jah*va Imperial Coffee Stout souther tier mokah dogfish head bitches brew
  15. Some photos when I went to cooperstown
  16. jinp6301

    slow forum

  17. ahh nostalgia
  18. Happy belated birthday Santa!
  19. I might have some more copies if you want win 7 professional.
  20. prices are on there (in pounds)
  21. I still think the old imac looks futuristic.
  22. got my shure 840s finally I likey
  23. Katz doesn't suck. it just isint super awesome, especially for the price IMO etc etc
  24. finished new simpsons man i missed the simpsons
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